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The Stormfather

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About The Stormfather

  • Birthday May 13

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  • Member Title
    Mark hates Mistwraiths
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    your nightmares.
  • Interests
    trying to get @thesibling to read legend of drizzt.

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  1. Is there anyone who wants to play a(almost) free form rp? I've had the fourth bridges crew for a while, and it's kinda dying, so I could really use some people to join. It follows a group of 'sailors' aboard the fourth bridge who are currently escorting a merchant ship between kharbranth and thaylenah. 

    Crew : Captain : Reliet(NPC), Steward/tactician : Enlieth(NPC), Artifabrian : @Aetherbound Sky and Innovation.

    Sergeant : @shardnuke, Lapen. Windrunner escort : Solivar(NPC)

    Innovation, sky's spren, went searching through enlieth's rooms, and showed a voidlight sphere to everyone. thats all that happened.

    1. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      I would total it do it, but I have been really busy so probably not a good time. I am trying to cut down my stuff.

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