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The Stormfather

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About The Stormfather

  • Birthday May 13

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  • Member Title
    Mark hates Mistwraiths
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    your nightmares.
  • Interests
    trying to get @thesibling to read legend of drizzt.

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  1. Ah, man.. trying to beg Gamemakers for supplies in the Hunger Games doesn't work anymore? 

    1. Experience


      I mean...maybe it would with some of them...

      Not Rekker tho :).

    2. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather


      Maybe I'll beg sponsors for supplies....

      Nah. I've lied about a enslaved sister enough times for this Hunger Games.

      If I had a nickel for every time my Hunger Games character tried to use a lie about his 'enslaved' sister, I'd have two nickels.

      But its weird that it happened twice.

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