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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. The thorns are thick, but you manage to push through the bush into a small space between two massive towering trees. You can hear the chirping of birds directly above you, and in front is a small, two foot wide creek, scattered with rocks.
  2. "Most definitely not. Astra, do you have any light left?" Mark pants. "That... thing cut me bad. I need to heal. Could you maybe put some back into the flower so I can take it?" @LightRinger
  3. All of you hear faint birdsong begin on the horizon. And the faint rattling of branches in wind. YTo yourself, it seems as if there isn't any wind. Something else is shaking the trees.
  4. As the white light begins to fade, to find yourself in a thick, lush jungle. There is a small clearing, circular-ish, about 10ft in diameter. (3-ish meters.) Around it, there are some thick thorny plants, some fruits that are purple, though everything has a vaguely dangerous air about it.
  5. “Yeah. Surely they’d band together to fight a monster, right?” 900th post!!!
  6. Mark leaps away, knife catching him on the shoulder. He winces, then realizes what this monster is. “Kandra.” He turns and sprints away. “Nope nope nope nope nope! Not fighting this! No!” @Unintelligenius @Lotus Blossom
  7. YKYASFW you decide to reread SA and finish it ALL in four days.
  8. “Astra, we can take him together. You with a blade, I don’t care if this thing is a demon. A Shardblade’ll kill the storming thing anyway.”
  9. Mark yelps as the monster charges him. He throws another pebble before trying to run, but stumbling with the shaking of the earth. Terror sets in, then seems to fade, as Mark’s face changes once more, into the sharper, harder version of himself. He raises his fists. “Fight me honest, at least.” @Lotus Blossom @Unintelligenius
  10. The yellow goo ceases to grow, but now covers the thumb of Larry’s gauntlet. “The energy.. something’s about to happen!” The strange voice says again. All of you seem to feel lightheaded.
  11. "Astra! Run!" Mark shouts, falling off balance with the shaking of the earth. He lifts a nearby pebble and throws it at KuLaam. @Lotus Blossom @Unintelligenius @LightRinger
  12. You don’t see or feel anything except for one tiny yellow line on your gauntlet.
  13. “Larry, we’ve noticed some sort of energy on your suit. It’s not dangerous, but you might be able to use it to get back. Try to find cores of this energy. It’s probably in small yellow nuggets.” The voice says again. Now you are certain that it’s not a voice you’ve heard before.
  14. LoL. Actually, a lot of people say that to me. I’m 14.
  15. Mark runs away from where Astra and KuLaam are fighting, knowing that there is no chance for the Willshaper. ”Watch out for that root!” The small Cultivationspren says. Mark avoids falling over, barely, and crouches behind a tree. He gasps for breath. ”let’s move, human!” The little spren says. ”Okay, okay. What’s your name anyway?” He asks. ”Thurnyl.” The spren says. Matk keeps running, getting far north of the casino.
  16. Mark looks around himself, noticing a small greenish spren that looked like a vine. (His cultivationspren.) “Oh, hi there, little one.” He bends down.
  17. The crowd of chickens dies down, though now each of you (except for the one in armour) have a few scratches from the feral chickens. They retreat as one, as If they had some way to communicate. Then, Larry’s communicator clicks. “Soldier, where are you? Our trackers have you all the way out on planet A-416! Eighteen klicks away from where you’re meant to be stationed!” Then the communicator clicks off, and won’t turn back on. The voice is not one you recognize, not the voice of your normal commander.
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