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The Stormfather

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Status Replies posted by The Stormfather

  1. Ah, man.. trying to beg Gamemakers for supplies in the Hunger Games doesn't work anymore? 

    1. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather


      Maybe I'll beg sponsors for supplies....

      Nah. I've lied about a enslaved sister enough times for this Hunger Games.

      If I had a nickel for every time my Hunger Games character tried to use a lie about his 'enslaved' sister, I'd have two nickels.

      But its weird that it happened twice.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Oh I love the cat in your banner! Are they a canon character or an OC? 

    1. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather


      I think Dovewing's power's are the most useful of all of them, honestly. Being able to spy on anyone when they make plans to attack you, not being able to get snuck up on, it just seems so helpful for them. 

      In the final battle however, she did practically nothing except nearly get killed by Darkstripe.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Happy Birthday

    Tell Chaos the citizens say you're the best on shardcast.

    1. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      You are indeed the best of the Shardcasters.

      I was sad when they didn't have you in SISG. 

      That would have been amazing.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Oh I love the cat in your banner! Are they a canon character or an OC? 

    1. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      Jayfeather's powers are pretty cool. Its so sad that Hollyleaf died immediately after coming back....

      She should have had powers.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. Oh I love the cat in your banner! Are they a canon character or an OC? 

  6. Oh I love the cat in your banner! Are they a canon character or an OC? 

  7. Recruiting for another Hunger Games impartial moderator; lmk if you’re interested 

    1. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      Just don't call people control freaks.


      There's like, two rules on the shard. Be nice, and like sanderson.

      You broke rule #1.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hey, y’all. I’ve got some news. Our friend, Alphie/The Paradoxical Phenomenon, has been banned. If you want to know details, shoot me a PM. If you have questions or want to say goodbye or just want to say something to him, lemme know and I’ll pass it along.

    RIP another awesome person.

  9. @The Stormfather just invented a new saying. "You can't always pick like a partridge, deadly spore seas." I dare you to try and figure out what this is supposed to mean.

    1. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      I bet I can make a good guess at it.

  10. Listening to @The Stormfather play dnd and say "hmmmm. A wolf that throws tambourines." 

    This is one of the best games in existence

    1. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      Well, there was one character who was scared of tambourines and one who was scared of wolves.

      Would they not just LOSE if there was a wolf holding a tambourine?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Question of the day : do you know what your rep title is?

    Mine is arbiter, the whohaswhatit's from azir

    1. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      witisthe best, a seer is an atium misting, i believe

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Question of the day : Which is your favorite stormlight interlude?

    Mine is the Ishikk one, cuz 

    TFE+cosmere(Kind of...)




    1. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      I do like seeing cobblers get murdered.

      (I'm weird.)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. Question of the day : Which is your favorite stormlight interlude?

    Mine is the Ishikk one, cuz 

    TFE+cosmere(Kind of...)




  14. Question of the day : Which is your favorite stormlight interlude?

    Mine is the Ishikk one, cuz 

    TFE+cosmere(Kind of...)




    1. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      Szeth's interludes are pretty cool. I like the one when he fights the whole army of people with half-shards.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  15. Question of the day: would you rather be on roshar at during the desolation or on scadrial during the time right before the catacendre in HoA?

    i would rather be on Roshar. Life doesn’t really change for the random people, and I might get to go to urithiru.

  16. Question of the day

    would you rather be a soother on earth or a coin shot on scadrial(era 1 or 2)

    I would rather be a soother on earth, because chances are there’s not a seeker who will find you, and then… soothing! Yay!

  17. question of the day : which aether do you think you would want to be bound to?

    me : verdant.

  18. new thing : QUESTION OF THE DAY

    If you could have one surge as a radiant and one metal as a misting, which two would it be?

    I would take Gravitation so I could fly, and maybe electrum so I would know if I was about to crash and would turn a different direction than the electrum shadow said.

    also maybe just soulcasting and soothing, so you convince a person that they want to be soucasted in battle or something,

  19. Me and a friend just carved some pumpkins, mine the one on the right

    JPEG image 31.jpeg

  20. 65245b9abe6dd_Screenshot2023-10-09at3_57_25PM.png.7469a9bebb445ad64b7ac2dcdef1e63d.pngWell, we'll call that a productive afternoon.

    1. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      Yay! Malwish Magic Elixirs!I mean... Hot chocolate!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  21. Okay, I cannot get over how comforting the sound of everyone in the music room warming up at the same time is. Like, I have to assume that not many people share this view, because it's really just a horrible wall of noise, but I love it. All these snippets of different songs, instruments squeaking, cases opening and people chatting. Best sound ever.

    1. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      In the music room at my school, all of us are uhhhh.... not the best, or a few bad squeaks and squeals from the reed instruments make it so that I cannot relate to this.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  22. I have finished painting the highlights and shades of Florf Nonono Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhh

    the photo sucks because I don’t have a great camera but I think you can see the highlight I bit

    JPEG image 29.jpeg

    1. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      The discussion about the name went crazy like four times.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. I just started Sp4 this morning and what the trell is going on?

    1. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      you should. Frugal wizards guide is less good but Yumi = Awesome.

      Tress = awesome.(Not capital a.)

      Sp4 = Haven't read enough of it to know yet.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  24. Here is another mini, i am going to shade and highlight it tomorrow. Need another name

    JPEG image 28.jpeg

    1. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      I've done improv at school. I always tend towards being an assasin.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

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