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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. Z Power. (Do I start with the Z-ring and have to get crystals, or do I start with nothing or what?)
  2. Nick can figure out that something is slightly off in the crystal structure so it's actually not Amethyst, but something similar. Also, the best guess you have for the luminosity is some kind of luminous fungi thats invisible but produces light, something that you've heard stories of before, most likely. (I mean, a lot of planets would probably have stories about glowing fungi, whether in fantasy and the mushrooms are magic or in sci-fi and the mushrooms are magi- science.)
  3. Arc and the other tributes who got turned into shades should be chilling out somewhere.
  4. Sorry, I’ve been inactive a while. Sleeper is @TheRavenHasLanded, correct? if so, you find a long winding tunnel that leads into a large cavern filled with huge amethyst crystals. the crystals glow faintly.
  5. Mattise Alanti Emenuo Karti. Mark. The man who’s parents had been burned to death when he was only seven. The man who’d been forced to kill, kill dozens just so that he could stay alive. The man betrayed by his first love, and forced to kill her. The man who chose to go to the games, chose to die, and instead, was more alive than he had ever been. This moment. Bullets flying. Spores exploding. Blades flashing. In the middle of it was that man. The Human, the Radiant, the Killer, the Hopeless, the Dead. One. Man. Mattise Alanti Emenuo Karti. A step away from freedom, blocked by an army. He had always had nothing. He had always been broke, scrounging for scrap on the streets, murdering just to get by. Every day, he remembered. Those times in the early stages of his life had been a living hell. He had nothing. It had always been him, alone. He had nothing. No one. Not anymore. Blade summoned, allies by his side, with more to his name now than ever before. The peacekeepers didn’t know what hit them. because he had a weapon m, deadlier than any weapon to ever be created. Hope. With hope, with all he had gained in that arena, there was no way they were stopping him now. Not this close. He may be injured, limping, exhausted. But he did still have a legacy to uphold. The legacy of a trickster, of a fighter, of someone who had used what little he had and worked wonders with it. His blade warped in front of him, forming into a scimitar once more. A curved blade. An Arc. There was no stopping him now.
  6. I’d rather keep it in Sanderson, but non-cosmere is fine with me. I think the frugal wizards games where there are portals to separate arenas everywhere would be almost as epic as threnodite.
  7. As Mark ran through the opening in the gate, he grabbed Astra’s hand. ”They’re all through. Let’s go.” Mark said. He shouldered the rifle he had stolen, forgetting that it was empty. click. ”Rusts. Astra, let’s move right now!” @Lotus Blossom
  8. Mark dashed towards Marewill and Tinker, ushering them towards the gate while firing a few shots with his rifle. Mark ran. As fast as he could, pulling Marewill and Tinker beside him. Dougella and Sharp were too far out for him to get them at the moment. ”You two, go!” He turned back towards the other two, firing a few shots at a pair of peacekeepers. click. “Sharp! Dougella! Move! Now!” Mark sprints over to them, exhaustion from the extended fighting pricking at him. There was blood on his face, from what he didn’t know. Too… much…. His body was begging him to give up, stop running, stop fighting. He almost did. But there was something holding him back. Words he had spoken. ”Strength before weakness.” He whispered as he fought, again and again. Sometimes he used his Blade, sometimes a gun. But at that moment, the only things he saw was the peacekeepers, the gate. And Astra. ”You will NOT kill them!” He roared with the volume of the storms themselves. @Scars of Hathsin @J. Magi
  9. You see that the creature (I don’t really wanna describe it it’s a werewolf that’s hunched over) is frozen and struggling.
  10. The creature roars and stops moving. You can still hear it’s growling, now of pain.
  11. *whispers* I’ve never known how to make a poll in the first place
  12. As the peacekeepers reeled from Marewill’s attack, Mark sprinted towards them, shield raised, and once he reached them, he dismissed his Shield and raised is as an ornate longsword. ”I give you one chance to surrender, right now, or else all of you will fall with burnt out eyes.”
  13. “Astra! We need that gate open!” Mark shouted. @Lotus Blossom He lifts his shield to block a spray of bullets, and falls backs few steps to a fallen peacekeeper, lifting a pistol from the fallen soldier. He snaps off a few badly aimed shots.Always been bad with pistols. He quickly empties out the gun, not hitting a single shot, and realizes that most of that group were aimed at him.Take the chance, someone. They’re focused on me. He dropped to one knee, forming a slightly larger shield and inching ever so slowly over to another fallen peacekeeper, snatching a rifle. He summoned two spines on the bottom of the shield and stabbed it into the group for cover. He peeked for a moment, firing a shot that struck the arm of one of the peacekeepers. Then he was forced back down behind his shield as more bullets hammered in.
  14. Mark turns and jabs backwards with his dagger, burning the eyes out of the peacekeeper who Tinker had trapped. He turned to a group near the gate, summoned a shield and began another charge.
  15. The red eyes blink a few times, growl, and seem to get a bit farther away. You can tell from the tone of its growling that it’s just realized how many of you there are. But still, two pebbles are launched at Larry. @AltonicKeys
  16. It would be a large arena with two teams, and probably level 3 characters. There would be some NPC’s in the arena and some monsters, and if you can grab the flag and bring it back to your team’s base you’d win. (I’d make a rule system but my cousins are visiting rn so I need to get off my phone.)
  17. With the cover fire from Tinker, Mark charged in at a group of peacekeepers. A huge greatsword formed in his hand, and with a single cleave he had gone through two of them. He shortened the blade into a short sword and deftly cut the barrel off of another’s rifle, and kicked them hard before spinning away to quickly engage a pair who were readying dueling canes behind him.Two fell with burned eyes. his dagger flew through the air, picking off the last of this small group of peacekeepers. “Alright, let’s end this.”
  18. Going back to an earlier question, I think the next games should be more combat based since the cosmere HG is very character based. (Also I think Arc’s trickery in Threnodite was hilarious, and wanna bring back his legacy. But don’t take that as a reason to make it more combat based, that’s just my preference. I’m perfectly fine with both.)
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