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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. Hurt Allriandre, heal TwinSoul Adin - 5 Allomancer Jak - 7 Allriandre - 2 Daggon - 5 Drehy - 5 Forch - 4 Ishikk - 7 Jushu - 5 Liyun - 6 MeLaan - 6 Mennis - 5 Puuli - 5 Ryan - 5 Sheler - 5 Truth-is-Waiting - 5 Twinsoul/Prasanva - 6 Walin - 6 Yeden - 5 Ym - 6
  2. Another, slightly larger pebble flies with astonishing accuracy towards Kaleb.
  3. You hear the skittering of claws on stone as in moves around.
  4. I just posted an SU about a capture the flag game RP inside DnD, and if any of y’all’s would be interested, that’s be great. (Also do any of you know about The Kraken’s Corner on Dndbeyond? Because that’s where I got this idea. All hail king Dragonslayer.)
  5. There was an RP on DDB (Dndbeyond) a while ago, that was basically a game of capture the flag in dungeons and dragons. Would anyone be interested in that? It wouldn’t start for a while, because I’d need to make the map and decide all the rules and stuff, but generally, would you be interested in some sort of DnD mini game like capture the flag or dueling or some other game of some kind? (Also, if it does start, there will be lore. Don’t worry. I’m not about to start an RP without lore. That’s just insanity.

    @J. Magi @Argenti @Silver Phantom (I know you three know how to play dnd so I’m pinging you.)

    1. LightRinger


      I could be interested, but I don’t know how available I’ll be. 

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Oooooo I'd like that!!

    3. The Stormfather
  6. A trio of pebbles are thrown from something up the tunnel, flying at speed towards Nick.
  7. Mark does glance her way and notice her shock, but attributes it to battle shock. There were, in fact, many peacekeeper corpses nearby. ”Marewill! I know that this is bad, but we gotta’ get moving right now!”
  8. Mark gasps and takes in the Stormlight, looking up to Astra. “Thanks.” Mark rises, stormlight puffing from his mouth. The glow begins to fade and his burns and wounds heal. As they fade, he presses the remaining light back into the flower. ”Keep this. You’re more experienced with the Light.” Mark calls in his Sharddagger, looking. “Alright.” He whispers. “Time for a real fight.” ”Astra, get to that gate and get it open. Use the Light to get there, and cut it open. We need to get out of here before one of us gets hit again. Marewill! Use your speed to steal weapons and explosives. If you can make sure they don’t hit someone with a grenade, then our chances of being killed are lowered significantly.” @Spark of Hope “Dougella! Sharp! Whichever of you have breaths at the moment, make some awakened stuff to draw some fire until we can really get going! As long as their not shooting at us, we’re safe.” @Scars of Hathsin @J. Magi ”Tinker, take one of their guns and give me some cover. You don’t even have to aim if you get the general area. I need them focusing on other people so my Blade can do some real damage. Also, if you happen to be invested, use that as well. I don’t know you very well.” Mark grimaces, seeing the Peacekeepers regrouping. Too many of them. @The Bookwyrm ”Alright everyone! Tributes! Attack!” ”To death and strife.” He whispers the mantra of the Rusted, quiet, but not quiet enough to stop Marewill and Astra from hearing.
  9. The growling intensifies, and you can see two red eyes down the tunnel, beyond your light.
  10. Mark groans. ”I’m good, I’m good.” He stumbles to his feet. ”light. I need light.”
  11. The tunnel seems perfectly fine and structurally sound. You do hear, however, a faint growling from far up the tunnel.
  12. As the grenade lands, Mark rushes forwards, dropping his shield. It dissolves into insubstantial mist, and he shoulders the rifle and quickly picks off two peacekeepers. He summons a Sharddagger and presses into the group of reeling peacekeepers, spinning and whirling in dance-like movements that keep his dagger spinning a twirling i circles around himself while simultaneously kicking out and punching to cause general mayhem. Within a few moments, however, he knew something was about to go wrong. One of the peacekeepers lifted a grenade in their hand. Mark snapped his wrist, sending his dagger sailing towards the peacekeeper at incredible speed, but before it hit, the grenade was thrown. He screamed. Terrified. Confronted with death. Knowing it was coming. Frozen. His hands, however, and his Spren, knew what to do. Quickly, a large bar formed in his hand. The Killer had fought enough to know some grenades detonated on impact, and some on a short fuse or timer. This one was a timer. He swung the metal bar, and connected with a loud thunk. The grenade sailed a small distance before detonating. His shield formed in time, and the shrapnel was caught before it could hit, but fire seared in his eyes and burned his skin. But he was alive.
  13. Hurt Allriandre, heal Adin. Adin - 5 Allomancer Jak - 6 Allriandre - 2 Daggon - 5 Drehy - 5 Forch - 4 Ishikk - 6 Jushu - 5 Liyun - 6 MeLaan - 6 Mennis - 5 Nan Balat - 3 Puuli - 5 Ryan - 5 Sheler - 5 Truth-is-Waiting - 5 Twinsoul/Prasanva - 5 Walin - 6 Yeden - 5 Ym - 6
  14. “I am a stick.” ”but you could be goat!” ”I am a stick.”
  15. The light blind you and all becomes a pale shade of yellow. It begins to fade, and this time, you are in a small, twenty foot diameter circular cavern ( not a perfect circle) with one tunnel leading out of it. it’s very dark, and you can’t see beyond the small exit. All is silent. @Dragonheir @Ancient Elantrian @AltonicKeys @J. Magi
  16. Even more yellow energy begins to gather, more and more and it begins to form a sort of blinding light of energy in front of you. @Dragonheir @Ancient Elantrian @AltonicKeys
  17. It begins to pull in the yellow energy. And then the crystal explodes. it was WAY too much energy, too fast.
  18. “That’s fine. If they were anyone else, I wouldn’t kill them.” Mark eys the large shield against his knee, kneeling down and fired the rifle he stole a few times at the incoming peacekeepers. “If I can get into the middle of their group, they’re as good as done.” Mark ducks down and braces the shield as a spray of gunshots snap against it. He fires a few more shots, but ineffective my shooting the rifle while trying to hold a shield big enough for two people. ”they’re separating us. We need to join up with the others and use our powers to punch through them, and get through that gate.”
  19. Mark quickly saw his opening when there was a moment, a single moment where the peacekeepers were distracted enough for him to rush towards them. He knew that if he ran away, there would be bullets flying after him for every step he took. But the chaos, the chaos of the grand melee, that was where he flourished. He dropped to his knees under a swing of a knife from one peacekeeper, dagger lengthening into a longsword to cleave through a pair of them. He grabbed a rifle from a fallen peacekeeper and raised it up towards them, firing a few shots before reforming his shield.
  20. SIMON sees/senses some form of radioactivity, but not enough to be dangerous.
  21. Yellow energy gathers on the ground. Small pellets of it.
  22. Character : Ardanith starter : Rhyhorn Town : He’s a nomad (He’ll start in Vila town, because I picked it at random.) Backstory : Orphan ( more details later) @Spark of Hope
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