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The Stormfather

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Posts posted by The Stormfather

  1. As the white light begins to fade, to find yourself in a thick, lush jungle. There is a small clearing, circular-ish, about 10ft in diameter. (3-ish meters.) Around it, there are some thick thorny plants, some fruits that are purple, though everything has a vaguely dangerous air about it.

  2. 1 hour ago, Lotus Blossom said:

    Astra's eyes widened and she grabbed Mark's wrist as he ran by her, sprinting alongside him with her shardblade in the other hand.

    "Let's find the other tributes."

    “Yeah. Surely they’d band together to fight a monster, right?”

    900th post!!!

  3. 18 hours ago, Unintelligenius said:

    KuLaam makes his right leg open up as he continues to run forward, now hoping he could get it over with quick so he only had to take one at a time. He pulled another glass dagger from his right leg, so now he again had two. He closed his leg and ran forward slashing his dagger at Marks neck.

    @The Stormfather

    Mark leaps away, knife catching him on the shoulder. He winces, then realizes what this monster is. “Kandra.” He turns and sprints away. “Nope nope nope nope nope! Not fighting this! No!”

    @Unintelligenius @Lotus Blossom

  4. 47 minutes ago, Lotus Blossom said:

    The shaking over, Astra stepped behind a geometrical shape, and eyed the conflict between Mark and KuLaam. Her eyes narrowed as she calculated her choices, lungs seeming too small for air, legs seeming too weak to stand.

    She glazed around the arena's happenings, with a new determination and energy seeping into her body. She had truly become a different person. Less confident on her facade. But more confident in herself.

    And then she summoned Rivia.

    @Unintelligenius @Edema Rue

    “Astra, we can take him together. You with a blade, I don’t care if this thing is a demon. A Shardblade’ll kill the storming thing anyway.”


  5. 1 hour ago, Unintelligenius said:

    Mid dive Astra disappears. KuLaam was so shocked that he forgot to roll. He just landed on his front and slid a few feet along the ground. He picked himself up and got himself reoriented. Then the ground begin to shake.

    As KuLaam goes low and puts his hands on the ground to support himself and keep his balance he hears a shout then feels a sharp pain on his right shoulder. He looks up to see the other tribute that had helped Astra escape was throwing pebbles at him. It looked like his contest had changed. He didn't mind. All he needed was a fight. A thrill. A kill. He slowly made his way as best he could towards Mark, trying to not fall as the ground shook beneath his feet.

    @The Stormfather

    Mark yelps as the monster charges him. He throws another pebble before trying to run, but stumbling with the shaking of the earth.

    Terror sets in, then seems to fade, as Mark’s face changes once more, into the sharper, harder version of himself. He raises his fists.

    “Fight me honest, at least.” 

    @Lotus Blossom @Unintelligenius

  6. Just now, Dragonheir said:



    Yup. Evocation. It glows faintly, and you feel heat radiating from it. You can assume that it may have helped you teleport, but may be something like the raw power used to teleport, rather than the spell (If it was a spell) cast to make you teleport.


  7. 1 hour ago, Dragonheir said:

    “Larry. Is that your name. I’m Vall.” he goes to shake his hand then notices the yellow line. “Huh. Looks like an elemental crystal or something. I might be able to change it a bit. It might explode, though. Let’s wait for other options.” 

    “What organization are you a part of? I’m usually a freelancer. My last job was in the feywild.” 


    Since Vall has some magical experience, it seems like some kind of power that if in DnD would be Evocation based. (Which is one of a nine schools of magic. Evocation is like raw elemental power, such as blasts of fire or lightning.)


  8. 1 hour ago, Dragonheir said:



    For one thing, you could make a noise. Even if you have no connection, if you made sound they would hear it, and if they turn around and you are there, they will still see you. It doesn’t make you completely invisible. They may not notice you as easily, but it’s not as if storing connection makes it impossible to notice you. Also, as soon as you attack, it won’t matter because you’ve attacked them and they will presumably fight back, unless you kill them instantaneously. There are ways to defend against a zero-connection attack. The same way you defend against any attack. Defence.


  9. 31 minutes ago, AltonicKeys said:

    Larry doesn't recognize the name. He wasn't great at remembering celestial bodies, as he was just trained to be a non-celestial one. "It appears to be a commanding officer, though not of my division. I doubt I can respond to them." He kicked through the mess of the room, trying to find anything else of note. Something that isn't broken furniture or dead chicken.

    “Larry, we’ve noticed some sort of energy on your suit. It’s not dangerous, but you might be able to use it to get back. Try to find cores of this energy. It’s probably in small yellow nuggets.” The voice says again. Now you are certain that it’s not a voice you’ve heard before.

  10. 15 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

    Mark runs away from where Astra and KuLaam are fighting, knowing that there is no chance for the Willshaper.

    ”Watch out for that root!” The small Cultivationspren says. 

    Mark avoids falling over, barely, and crouches behind a tree. He gasps for breath.

    ”let’s move, human!” The little spren says.

    ”Okay, okay. What’s your name anyway?” He asks.

    ”Thurnyl.” The spren says.

    Matk keeps running, getting far north of the casino.

  11. The crowd of  chickens dies down, though now each of you (except for the one in armour) have a few scratches from the feral chickens. They retreat as one, as If they had some way to communicate. Then, Larry’s communicator clicks. “Soldier, where are you? Our trackers have you all the way out on planet A-416! Eighteen klicks away from where you’re meant to be stationed!” Then the communicator clicks off, and won’t turn back on. The voice is not one you recognize, not the voice of your normal commander.

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