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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. Alongside her, Shardblade raised, Mark charged. Fought. And he was good. As bullets flew, his blade shifted into a shield, and the clang of metal on metal rang out several times. He flicked his wrist, and a Sharddagger whistled through the air to take a peacekeeper through the eye. He continued his charge, twisting around bullets and sending daggers and knives out in a storm. Scimitar formed in his hand, he ducked down and one of the heavy guns discharged. Ears ringing, he swept in front of him, and his Blade lengthened to burn the eyes out of the peacekeeper. He scooped up the heavy weapon in one hand, drawing in the light from the emeralds in his pocket. ”Never give an Edgedancer a machine gun.” He said, head held high. He was inexperienced with his powers, with the Blade, but it all seemed so right. He slicked his feet, sliding past a group of peacekeepers at incredible speeds, emptying his gun at them. Several fell, and he ended his skid with a jump, both feet slamming into the chest of a peacekeeper, cracking ribs and sending both men to the ground. A hooked dagger formed in his hands, the weapon he knew, and he spun like the storms themselves, spinning around bullets a slashing at peacekeepers as they reeled at the quick assault. Four lay dead in a few moments. The skills of the Killer, merges with those of the Radiant, the Human. Unstoppable. Unified. He dropped to one knee, slicking his legs and sliding past two peacekeepers. Before they could turn, his dagger struck both of them. He grabbed one of their guns, firing from one hand inaccurately at another trio of peacekeepers. They ducked away for long enough for him to slick himself over to them. As they stood from the bullet fire, they fired with pinpoint accuracy at his head. Light raging inside him, he leaped straight upwards, momentum carrying himself forwards to land behind them, spinning his dagger and jabbing jnto k one peacekeeper, leaping to the left and the guns quickly reacted. He flung tkk on dagger at one peacekeeper, and slid at high speeds into the other, dropping them to the ground. His dagger reappeared in his hands, stabbing downwards. He stood, light exhausted and looked around himself. “I am Mattise Alanti Elark Karathi! I may remember some, but you scum will be remembered by no Edgedancers! You will die, and you will die without allies! I am the descendant of Arc, the shadiest of tricksters, the grandest of men whom your people killed, and I will have vengeance! You will not kill another one of us, no matter how many guns you have, how many soldiers you throw at us. Hear me now, peacekeepers, to threaten these tributes is to die! “Dougella!” Mark’s head snapped over to the scene of the bloody gunshot wound. “No, no…” He dashed over, Blade forming a large shield behind Sharp and himself as more gunshots hammered in. “Keep her safe. I’ll keep the peacekeeper’s fire off of you.” Mark dashed to the side, a dagger throw felling another of the peacekeepers. His rage doubled, fire in his eyes, he charged once again, feet hammering on the hard ground, arms pumping and spinning to keep his Dagger moving, dropping more and more peacekeepers as time went on. His shield formed in the nick of time as a flurry of gunshots hit him, and he saw the peacekeepers fanning out into a semi-circle, trying to get around his shield. “Rusts.”
  2. Adris storms into the room, seeing Sharanna speaking with Gavin. “You, kid! Give us one reason right now I shouldn’t put this bullet in your head.” @Edema Rue
  3. "He... Well, if he doesn't escape, he's also going to get killed. Whoever made that thing that took control of him... well, their not going to be happy he's free. I'd bet that in a few minutes a peacekeeper strike team with allomancers, surgebinders and Ruin knows what else is going to burst into the arena and slaughter us all. If we have that little time remaining, I don't know who to trust. But I sure as hell am willing to go down a staircase and get off of the platform with absolutely zero cover where we're rusting vulnerable to attack!" Mark raises his voice, then quickly looks embarrassed. "Sorry. This place... It's getting to me."
  4. "If it's better than here, let's go there."
  5. "The last person to promise me something like that was the one who burned my house and family to the ground. To be fair, I find less value in a promise that in someone saying 'well, there's a chance it works.'"
  6. Mark fell into the embrace, tears falling down his face. "And however we do it, no more killing."
  7. "We're both going to have a mess of a life when we get out. If you say you've got people needing payment...Well, I'm sure we'll figure something out. Perhaps two emeralds that are actually quite the size of a broam, and more?" Mark lifts the two glowing emeralds. "And if that's not enough, there'll be more." Mark sighed. "If you're involved in the gambling cheats of the underworlds, which it seems like you are what with all the dice involved in this weird place, remember, I know how to deal with that type of people." Mark sobbed. "All too well." Tears started streaming down his face, and the image on the hilt of his sword faded for a moment to an image of an alleyway, with a woman with two knives in her back lying down on the ground. "No. I won't kill them. I won't kill again. But there... there is something that I haven't told you. Remember the... the night before the storm, when I said I was a Tineye, but didn't have any tin? Well, that was a blantant lie. Astra, I'm a Soother." Mark braced himself for the disdain he usually received when people discovered. "I haven't been Soothing anyone though. I don't have any brass. Well, I did, but I used it on that octupus that attacked me."
  8. Adris, flaring pewter, follows Sharanna, thinking that she'll know where the top-people are. His hand was sweaty on the grip of his pistol as he walked through the wreckage. The fight hadn't been bad, but it was in no way easy. A single man with a gun can block off a hallway, if his aim is good enough. They had upwards of five dozen guards, although many were killed in the initial blast. "Let's end this."
  9. Mark squeezed her hand. A tear rolled down his cheek. "It's true. We're still alive." He smiled and tears began to fall, looking into Astra's eyes. "We're going to survive. We have to." "Astra... When we get out of this...Stay with me. We can go to the Outskirts. I know some people. We might just be able to have a life. Maybe not an amazing one, but anything seems amazing to the stuff Ruin has put us through. If this works... Stay with me."
  10. Granted, but while your running you don't get tired but you get a tire thrown at you every ten seconds.
  11. A gust of wind sends sand spraying into all of your eyes. And then, a loud sound. Thump. Thump. Thump. Something was making the sound, not too far away. you hear the telltale rumbling that you've heard before, when the beastial worm passed, and you see another going past you. (This place was suggested by @RoyalBeeMage, and it's more of a joke than anything. Have you figured out where you are yet? It's a place from a book. Wait no don't say that, me, its not from a book its a completely original idea that is unique and different from the book who shall remain nameless.)
  12. "Whatever it is that happens, I... I'm happy I got to meet you. When I came to these games, I came to die. I didn't realize how alive they'd make me feel."
  13. Nothing happens for about 8 hours, so you can do anything you want. You do note that this is way longer than the past teleportations.
  14. "No." "We're not gonna' need it."
  15. Mark glances at Astra. "I haven't changed. I died. But not me. The Killer. The Killer is dead. And what's left is what i've always been."
  16. Mark turns to Dougella and asks: "Did you mention a way out? Or am I going insane?" More insane.
  17. "My parents didn't. Rusting Peacekeepers lit the damn house on fire. What kind of police light the suspect's house on fire?"
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