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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. No. The Ambidextrous and all-powerful. Also don't take the sentence I just quoted in a political sense or there's gonna be mods here.
  2. "Yup. We gotta get out quick, because I've fought peacekeepers before, and they are a well-trained bunch. Don't wanna do that again." Mark lifts his sleeve to show a large scar across his shoulder. "Bullet skimmed me. Damn peacekeepers have so many guns."
  3. "Corin, if you had enough light could you lash us out through the top, or is there a barrier on even the sky?" (Been playing too much minecraft and considering Pearl glitching through the barrier.)
  4. Outside GM HQ "Zebtir, first explosive launch in three. Two. One. Go!" Zebtir burned steel and pushed, sending the small explosives towards the door. As they got close, he pushed a tiny bomb with a fuse already lit into them. They were very basic explosives, so it was easy to ignite them with another explosion. Basically just gunpowder. A lot. A ball of fire erupted in front of the door, provoking screams from inside. A volley of pistol fire rang out against the shouting, and Zebtir sprayed coins, pushing hard against them. He didn't know if it hit anyone. Adris lifted his pistol, readying himself. Two Steeles he had never bothered to learn the names of pushed a wagon filled with two dozen sticks of dynamite, sending it rolling towards the door. "Back, everybody! Back!" Adris ran full tilt away from the cart. Three. He turned for a moment, making certain everyone had heard him and knew that they should get away. two. Once he was far enough, he leveled his pistol towards the now-exploded door. One. Boom. All was fire and ash. @J. Magi you can hop in to do what the House soldiers are doing at the time. HG arena. The Killer taken aback for a moment by Corin. Enough for The Human, the real Mark, to take control. Enough to speak, and make certain that the Killer wouldn't return. Seize himself fully, remember the ways from long ago that he used to resist this thing, this beast inside of him. "Corin! Get us out of here, now! We gotta go, because I'm pretty sure the rest of them aren't gonna' like this! Also, if you ever do somethign like this again, be certain that there'll soon be a shardknife through your eye." @Edema Rue
  5. "Alright. Blow a hole right through the main entrance. My Coinshot can spray some metal into there and my Lurcher can grab some random metal things and yank them lightly, try to get lucky and pull the right line to take one of those rifles." "The rest of us spray some bullets in, but when they actually start coming to fight, we wait. We have the Coinshot push more explosives further into the HQ, hopefully taking out a few more guards, then we go in, gun's a'blazin." "Sound like a good plan?" HG Arena The Killer felt something in him. Something driving him onwards, making him stronger. So we've moved up in the world, huh. As he exhales, mist puffs from his breath. Ah, so you've gone and sworn some of the petty ideals of the 'holy knights.' Wretched thing. All you've done is give me power. The Killer felt something in his pocket, so, he checked what it was and was surprised to see two emerald dice. So you've used Light before... Good. Don't want to do this with unpracticed hands. The Killer pushes the light into the two emeralds. I'll save these for when I have to fight.
  6. Sorry if I didn't clarify, but when the worm thing passed by, the digging thing got carried away by the flying things. It was in a post up above, I believe.
  7. I ran the 400 at my schools track meet without practising because it was on very short notice and immediately threw up after because normally i run 5k instead of sprints. But i wasn't dead last, so... Worth it.
  8. The shadow passes, but the noise of breaking rock and sand continues. Then... a rumbling. Coming from afar, moving closer and closer until you can vaguely spot the source of the noise. Something is passing through the sands, under them. Something big. It sprays out sand and rock as it moves, and you can spot some short spines atop a stone-like carapace of some kind of worm-like creature. It passes quickly. A few minutes later, the breaking of stone halts, and a huge shadow passes above you, and this time you can vaguely see that it's some kind of boxy construction with large blades and drills on the bottom getting carried by a few smaller forms above it.
  9. Maybe, depends on what the Pokemon RP leads to and if Teleportations kick up. (Pls join teleportations)
  10. You all hear a large crash from somewhere to the east. (You don't know that its east, I just needed a direction.) Then, a rhythmic crashing, breaking of stone and rush of falling sands. You here a loud humming from above you, and a shadow passes above you. It passes quickly. For Nick
  11. A gust of powerful wind sends sand blasting through your field of vision, and for a moment you are blinded. When you can see again, there is a small mouse with large ears sitting between the two of you. I makes a little squeaking noise, paws (Do mice have paws or feet?) at it's ears and then licks it's paw/foot. It squeaks and runs away.
  12. House Warehouse, nighfall "Do we have any idea of the layout of their headquarters?" Adris asks when the time to strike comes nearer. "Where the important ones will be, where the hostages can be taken?" "Boss, don'tch'ya remember that there's the one main door and then there's the... the... durned hole in the wall with the fancy name?" Druvid slinks up beside him. (I've been imagining his voice as meowth of team rocket) "The window?" "Yeah that's the one." @J. Magi
  13. I'd be willing to Gm, although I probably wouldn't have a huge part in the drama at HQ, and more mess with the games.
  14. The Rusted and Steeles quickly arm themselves with pistols and canes, a few keeping their glass daggers instead of the canes. "Nightfall it is." Adris agrees. "Rusted! Steeles! Form up into your groups. I want a physical metalborn in each one, and we need the Seeker with the largest group. When entering combat, stay in your groups. I cannot stress this enough. If we keep to our squads and hold fast, no peacekeeper force is going to break through us." "Rise, those who were beaten! Rise, those who were defeated! Rise, the outcasts, the bastards, the wretches of the streets, the thieves and all of those dishonorable! Rise to turn back the history books, make ourselves good again! Rewrite history, the Rusted, the Steeles! Rise as those who are honorable, those who are good and beat down those who were giving us beatings!" "Today is the day we turn the tables."
  15. The Rusted and the Steeles quickly send in a few soldiers to make certain it was safe, and then the main troupe moved in. "How many soldiers do you have? How many guns are you willing to lend to us? We're practically destitute, and only one of us has a gun. We could use a few more." Adris explains. "And when are we going to attack? We've not got long before someone realizes that the two main gangs have dissapeared, and related it to the large amount of people moving towards the capitol." EDIT : 1000th post!!!!!!!
  16. Adris nods. "Onwards, towards death and strife!" "Death and strife!" The Rusted echo. The Steeles sigh.
  17. Adris, after the fight The peacekeepers were routed quickly. They had only been a group of two dozen in total, and with the two gangs along with the mysterious ‘house’ it had been a quick, easy combat. A few had minor wounds, and one Steele had taken a gunshot to his arm, but was bandaged and was moderately okay. ”Whoever you are, this ‘house’ I need all of you to listen to me, right now.” Adris has a southern accent btw. ”Look. We’re lookin’ to take down the capitol. Doing that, well, that’s gonna’ be real difficult. But us, we’re not lookin for some fancy plan or anything. We’re going straight in and hitting hard. We might get ourselves dead, but at least we died the right way. And, if we can, we gotta free someone. Someone who’s in the games. Got pressed into them. “So we’re going to the capitol, and we’re gonna need a base. Do y’all have any hideouts closer to the gamemakers HQ than all the way out here?” @J. Magi
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