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The Stormfather

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Posts posted by The Stormfather

  1. Mark bursts afire with white light as he speaks those hallowed words. "Whoa..." He lifts a glowing hand. (I'm pretty sure after you swear an oath you get a small charge of light, and my powers have been unlocked so I believe this is possible?)

    "So... What the rust are we gonna' do now?" Mark, oblivious to whatevers happening with Roy and Jaksyn, he says this directed at Astra.

    @Lotus Blossom @Dragonheir @LightRinger @RoyalBeeMage

  2. "I'm so sorry this had to happen, Quelkin. But, we're in the games. Your revolution, I would love to see it rise. I will aid in it's rise. I've been trying for a long time. We may have similar morals, but only one of everyone here can mak it out of this forsaken arena alive." Mark sighs. "And should I die in this place, I know that whoever kills me shall realize. That I don't want to survive if I cannot win. I should have died the second I entered this arena. rusts, I expected it. Now that I've helped kill someone else..."

    Never again. I swear. I will not be like before.

    "I can't." A tear goes into Mark's eye. " Ruin!" He shouts. He drops to his knees.

    No.... Sereine.... No... I can't see you die again! Never again!

    "May your soul find peace in the spiritual." He said. The mantra of who he had once been. Of whom he had been terrified of. Himself, yet someone else. His eyes seem to glaze over, and he stands calmly. 

    "May you be one with the ones you love." he said. I can't be this person again! I cannot be the killer!

    Would I rather be killed?

    Ruin this world and it's politics. Ruin it all! Another man is dead. Just another death, one that no one will care about. 

    "Quelkin, I will remember you. I will remember those who have been forgotten."


    Time to ping a billion people. For Edema Rue, can Mark be an swear the edgedancer oath here?

    @LightRinger @Dragonheir @Lotus Blossom @Edema Rue @Unintelligenius @RoyalBeeMage

  3. 26 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:

    Quelkin dodges to his left as the axe is swung at him. As he moves to his left an absurbly strong wind pushes him back up in the path of the axe, causing it to bite into his left shoulder. Quelkin grunts and jumps back, ripping the axe from his shoulder as blood starts to stream down his shoulder. He usese his right hand to try to stop the blood. "I could use some help" he says, addressing Astra & Tondon.

    @Dragonheir @LightRinger @Lotus Blossom


    Clearly something happened while I was gone. Could I get a bit of a summary about what's going on with us? Mark is still where he was before, and apparently we're fighting again?

    @Lotus Blossom @LightRinger @Dragonheir

  4. 1 hour ago, Dragonheir said:

    Tondon looks very indecisive. “Uh. Revolution? Why? Who are you revolving against?” He gives Quelkin a metal bracelet. “If you’re surrendering, put this on.” Then he turns back to the rest of his team. “What should we do with him?” 
     @Lotus Blossom @LightRinger @RoyalBeeMage @The Stormfather 

    "Leave him. Make sure he doesn't have any weapons, and then get out of here. If there's anyone else in the arena trying to kill others, they're probably coming towards this. We haven't exactly been quiet, with dropping a tree down." Mark says.

    @Lotus Blossom @LightRinger @RoyalBeeMage @Unintelligenius


    19 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

     “You guys can get out of here! I’ll hold him off!” 
     @The Stormfather @Lotus Blossom @LightRinger @RoyalBeeMage 

    Mark glances at Astra. "I'll stay here. I may not have any metals or weapons, but I have something that seemed to work in my ancestor's day. A bucket's worth of tricks." Mark positions himself off to the side, waiting for a second when he can make his move.


    Quelkin's getting 1v4rd. If we lose, I will question the competency of our entire alliance.

    @Dragonheir @Lotus Blossom @LightRinger @Unintelligenius @RoyalBeeMage

  6. 18 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    The cold air hit Roy's face like a slap, sharp and bracing, as he stepped out of the building. Snow crunched under his boots with each step, the arctic wind howling around him, biting through his clothes and chilling him to the bone. He took a deep breath, the frigid air stinging his lungs, and tried to focus on the task at hand, pushing the pain of his recent loss to the back of his mind.

    As he walked, he noticed a group of people gathered a short distance away, their figures huddled together against the biting wind. Curiosity piqued, Roy decided to investigate. He adjusted his coat, pulling it tighter around himself, and made his way toward them.

    Roy approached cautiously, not wanting to startle them. "Hey," he called out, his voice carrying over the wind. "What's going on here?"

    @LightRinger @Lotus Blossom @Dragonheir @The Stormfather @Unintelligenius

    "He was messing with us and throwing rocks at us, so we cut down the tree he was in."

    @RoyalBeeMage @Lotus Blossom @Dragonheir @Unintelligenius @LightRinger

  7. 13 minutes ago, LightRinger said:

    Jaksyn’s gut turned a bit. “Umm… can we talk about this later?” He felt anger seep into his voice. He shook his head. “What do we do with him?” He gestured to Quelkin with his axe. 

    @Dragonheir, @The Stormfather, @Unintelligenius

    "Oh yeah, him. Uhhh....." Mark stops. I can't... I thought I was over this. Rusts! "I mean, we should probably..." Mark drew a finger across his neck. They can't see this weakness within me. They cannot know what I did. "Or just run, because he might injure us."

    @Lotus Blossom @Dragonheir @Unintelligenius 



  8. 7 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

    Tondon waves to her to go ahead. 
    After he sees what the blade can do to the tree, he says, “Whoa. What is that thing? Is it even possible to defeat someone using one, if it does that to a tree? Can they cut through anything? Why’d you have to cut twice?” 
     @LightRinger @The Stormfather @Unintelligenius 

    Mark looks at Astra. "You're a Radiant? What order?"

    @Lotus Blossom @LightRinger @Dragonheir @Unintelligenius

  9. 2 hours ago, Lotus Blossom said:


    "We must test that there is someone to ambush."

    Astra bent over and took a few stone. She handed them to Mark and Tondon, and kept one herself.

    "If we get some reaction when we throw the stones, we'll immediately sneak attack. If not, there's nothing to ambush, and we'll dig ourselves into a worse trap."

    "Good enough of a plan." 


  10. 1 minute ago, Lotus Blossom said:

    "Do we know who, exactly, is attacking us at the moment?" Astra remarked nonchalantly in a whisper, keeping her eyes on the trees.


    "No idea." Mark says, oblivious to the fact that Astra probably wasn't talking to him, but to Tondon.

  11. 10 minutes ago, Lotus Blossom said:

    Astra looked about quickly.

    "Let's go. There's someone.... or something.... and we can't see it."

    She squinted her eyes at the tree, then gripped her fists.

    "It's not safe."

    @The Stormfather @Dragonheir @Unintelligenius @LightRinger

    "Hello? Have any of you considered running away?" Mark asks. "Whoever or whatever was in that tree probably threw some rocks upwards. If I were in that position, I'd be sneaking around to hit them in the back, so we need to get moving. Now."

    @Lotus Blossom @Dragonheir @Unintelligenius @LightRinger

  12. Just now, LightRinger said:

    Jaksyn creeps over to Tondon. “She’s with us now? What can she do? Be careful, I heard they pay you better in the Casino for killing allies. She may be playing us. What’s the plan? Harmony, I sound like you.”

    Mark is completely oblivious, even though you're really close to him.

  13. 1 hour ago, Unintelligenius said:

    Quelkin throws a few more rocks at Tondon, Mark, & Astra to see how they react. Again he throws them as high as he can to make it so that the other tributes don't know where they are coming from. Even though this lowers his accuracy Quelkin is willing to take the risk.

    @Dragonheir  @The Stormfather  @Lotus Blossom

    Mark winces as a rock hits him. "Who threw that?" Then he turns back to Astra. "I thought you were dead. I thought..." It's fine. It's not like Sereine. It's not like Sereine. No. Not again. "I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine." He starts murmuring.

  14. 38 minutes ago, Lotus Blossom said:

    Astra looked about, "Who? Me?"

    She smiled jokingly. "No, no. Not yet."

    "This time, I'm certain your drunk." Mark sighs. "Astra, why did you leave? Abandon the person who trusted you?"

  15. 3 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

    Also @The Stormfather.

    Tondon has been standing behind Mark the whole time, but the other participants only notice he’s there now (his metalmind is full). He appears slightly confused. “Huh. Hi, I’m Tondon. It’s nice to meet you,” he says, tapping half a metalmind of Connection then returning to filling and fading away. It should leave an impression on Mark though. You feel like you knew him very well, but you’ve immediately forgotten he was there. If he stops storing again Mark might find him trustworthy seeming. 
     @Ancient Elantrian @SmilingPanda19 or maybe other GMs 

    "I'm Mark. Are you about to kill me, or do I get to finally relax a bit?"

    @Lotus Blossom

  16. 7 hours ago, Lotus Blossom said:

    "Tondon-" Astra said in a hushed, quick voice.

    She reached out to touch his arm.

    Astra didn't stay back, but she didn't advance either. She just stood there, with crossed arms, and watched.

    "Pleasure to meet you."

    She smiled.

    "Astra Ay. And I know who you are."


    "Astra?" Mark says, remembering the odd woman who had shown up and left like the highstorm at the beginning of the games. "Where did you go? You just disappeared during the storm!"

  17. 57 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

    “Yeah, he’s just stuck here and a little desperate, just like the rest of us.” Tondon begins storing tons of Connection, and walks around the casino to the other side to @The Stormfather. You can see him, but he’s not important. You don’t have to actually pay attention to him. As Tondon gets there, he realizes that he doesn’t know what he’s going to do when he gets there. 

    "Stay....back. Need...food. Help!"

    @Lotus Blossom I think you're also near here?

  18. On 6/3/2024 at 12:39 PM, J. Magi said:

    Akimitsu wandered into the farmland, unsure if how he had gotten there. Everything up until a few minutes ago was fuzzy . . . he could barely remember the cold mountain village he had been staying in a night or so ago. Aki didn't recognize this area--he knew he'd never been here before. 

    He glanced around looking for other people so he could ask where he was.

    You can see Larry, wandering in front of the chicken coop. When you appeared, he appeared at the same time, maybe he just got up from the disorientation before you? That makes the timeline make sense.

    Larry cannot seem to get his communicator to work, even if it's battery still has power. You can't figure it out. It doesn't say any errors, but does not connect to any channels.

  19. 7 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

    Mark feels a sudden shock and is thrown backwards violently. The door slams in his face. @The Stormfather


    "Ow! Rusts, what was that?" He looks around for the source of the blast. Stupid investiture other than Allomancy. Far too confusing, the lot of it. Mark looks around himself, looking for some kind of tree/hole/shelter that he could huddle in to withstand the cold. I wonder if Roy can hear me through the door... "Roy!" Mark shouts. "The door won't let me through! Something's stopping me! If you can, try to win some food! I'll be fine!" Ignoring the fact that yelling will pretty much call anyone towards him, he yells at the door, hoping that Roy can see him.

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