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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. @Scars of Hathsin your signature has doomed me! I've lost! No!
  2. Yeah, I also imagine people as their profile pictures. So I imagine the Redspine as a chicken.
  3. “FINE.” Mark said harshly. “Sorry.” He paused. “I remember the last time I killed someone. I’ve been remembering it ever since we fought and killed Quelkin.” A tear forms in Mark’s eye. “It was the only way for us to survive. The mines had left me destitute. Only job I found was… assasination. I killed. Many.” Mark sighed. ”There was one final job. The last one, to bring me up from the bottom and give me enough money to maybe survive. I was said to kill her in a dark alley, a boss of a rival gang. Me and Sereine… my best friend, well, she new the target. She protested killing her, and we fought.” Mark shudders. ”Midnight that night, I found the target, knifed her in the alley. But… she was a bloodmaker. Like Sereine. I stabbed again and again, wild with rage as she screamed for help. It was then when I noticed… it WAS Sereine. I had killed her. The only one who had been on my side through it all… had been the leader of another gang!” Mark raises his voice. ”She had been spying on me, giving them information about me, and yet… I still… I still loved her…” ”that was until I found out her final order to her gang. Send the coinshot. Kill Mark. That’s why I’m here. And.. I am far from fine. I think we all aren’t fine, if we’re volunteering for these games. But.. it’s time to end this. It’s time… sadly… to kill the others. I know we have to. We gotta do what we can to survive.”
  4. I’d like to do this, but I’d rather read the book in one day and then talk about it the next. I can’t handle reading books slowly. They’re too exciting!!!!!!!
  5. You CANNOT HAVE MY PAIN!!!!! - Dalinar Kholin
  6. When Mark notices that no one follows him through the door, he opens it and peeks his head out. ”What’s wrong? Oh, cool, Jaksyn’s back. Hello.” Then he sees the red spine. “What the Ruin is that? Is it on our side?” Mark shoes away slightly when he notices the redspine’s claws. @Lotus Blossom @LightRinger @BlueWildRye
  7. Mark would have gone in first, I believe.
  8. Mark, after failing to catch rats several times turns to the casino. "Astra, maybe there'll be people in there. That was our plan right? to find people?" Mark walks over to the southern door to the casino and tests if the door is open. @Lotus Blossom @Edema Rue
  9. Eat the cookies. EAT THE COOKIES!!!!!!
  10. Mark tries to throw a rock at a rat. I doubt it works. Then he tries to find one going into a nest/shelter and tries to bludgeon it with a rock when it comes back out. (If he finds a nest, that is.) @Edema Rue
  12. Mark tells the Cultivationspren to look for any rats or small animals around the rocks, and does the same. "Astra, we might be able to... blegh... eat a rat if we can find it." @Lotus Blossom @Edema Rue
  13. The ape tries to punch you. With a very large fist.
  14. The ape attempts to swap you out of the air as you fly by.
  15. The bear roars again and attacks in a similar way. He falls completely for the trick.
  16. The beam strikes the ape's shoulder, knocking it down. It stands back up, roaring and swinging its arms, but Vall is too high. It grabs a head-sized stone and throws it. Innacurately. The bear roars in pain, trying to turn around quickly, but taking a few seconds. It swings a huge paw (Do bears have paws or hands?) at Aki, but it moves slowly, since it's using it's wounded side to attack.
  17. The bear continues its approach, raising a paw to rip away some of the bushes. The ape is a few feet behind it, and is scanning the skies for flying enemies. It seems as these two, though enemies, want other people gone. One guess you can make is that they are fighting over this territory, but want either of them to win it, not someone else.
  18. Mark begins walking in an abitrary direction. “ This way’s as good as any.”
  19. The bear doesn’t react. The ape turns to you, leaving its back exposed. Big though they are, the animals move slowly.
  20. As you drop to your feet, the bear stares straight at you. And growls.
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