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The Stormfather

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Posts posted by The Stormfather

  1. 1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:

    At first, it seems to just be mud. And more mud. And more mud. Then he starts to see something that looks like a tuber…as he reaches for it, though, it shoots out and grabs him around the ankle.


    Mark slams his fist down on the tentacle-thing. "Roy! Help!" @RoyalBeeMage

    He downs his vial of brass and flares it as high as it can go, trying to soothe away any anger or hunger within the octopus. (Does soothing even work on animals?)

  2. 16 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

    It’s not hard; there’s mud and puddles all around.

    Mark looks around for the cleanest looking one (Least amount of mud) and scoops it into his mouth, ignoring the fact that he might get sick from it. "Roy, this water's not too bad!"

  3. 1 hour ago, Edema Rue said:

    It's been a couple of days, so if you haven't eaten, you're feeling it.


    Mark looks around at the plants and various activated spores to try and spot something edible. (He doesn't know you can eat verdant.) He also tries to locate a puddle for water, but he doesn't walk far.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Experience said:

    GM HQ

    Rekker finally finds the correct button, and hesitates upon hearing what the Subject was saying. He looks over at Epiphany who shrugs. Rekker shakes his head and presses the button.

    In the arena

    The hologram disappears.

    GM HQ

    Rekker looks up at his twin.

    "Piph, you can't do that! If we interfere with the subjects, it will change the results of the tests. We can't afford to do that!"
    His sister looks down, appearing bashful, but Rekker knows she doesn't really feel that way. 

    He looks up at the screen. "We can't afford weakness. The future of everything depends on us."


    LORE!!!!! YAY!!!!!!

    Mark huffs in anger as the hologram dissapears. "Well, shucks. Maybe that didn't work, but I can still be trusted! All I want is to save my sister. Betraying you would mark me as a bad ally to everyone, which would doom me to die. Someone alone out here would last long." @Lord Spirit


    If you didn't see that, I tried to get the gamemakers to give me stuff so that if I won, I could save my sister who I implied was being held captive. I was trying to do what Arc did in the threnodite HG, which was convince/trick a GM into giving me stuff. I failed.


  5. Just now, Experience said:

    The falsetto voice responds, "Rek doesn't want to talk with you. I'm sorry."

    GM HQ

    Rekker fumbles through the user manual that he had created, trying to find the instructions to turn off the communications.

    "Then why is this thing still running?" Mark asks. "Rekker, I know your there, or else Epiphany couldn't have known you don't want to talk. But, think of this. If you could stop the death of someone dearest to you, would you? And, if you had the power to give someone the power to do that, would you? Would you supply someone to save their beloved? If so, help. Please. My sister... I came here to save her. To keep her alive. They said if I won I could free her, stop the slavery, so please... A weapon. Anything. I need help." (Total lie.)

  6. 1 minute ago, Experience said:

    "I'm Epiphany, how are you?" a falsetto voice replies from somewhere.

    "Piph, stop! You can't interfere with the Subjects!" another deeper voice says.

    "Oh, wrong one. Where is the one who calls themselves Rekker? I have something to say to them... Somethign that they'll want to listen to."

  7. 1 minute ago, Experience said:

    GM HQ

    Rekker watches the ferret closely on a screen.

    Unkown variable introduced. Cause unknown. Purp-

    "Rek, it looks like one of the Tributes is trying to talk to us..."

    "Hmm?" Rekker looks over absentmindedly at his sister to see her pressing a button. "Wait, don't pre-"

    In the Arena

    A small holographic screen appears before Mark, and you can see some chairs and a mostly blank wall. Nobody is on the screen.

    "Which of you is this? The Scadrian who can't speak normal? The guy with the ferret? The other one?"

  8. 3 hours ago, Lord Spirit said:

    “I have no interest in being betrayed by someone I don’t trust.” Kresh responds coldly. 

    "Why don't you trust me?" Mark asks. "Is it because I came from the casino? Do you have a problem with gambling? If so, then that's no reason not to trust me. I didn't know it was a casino, and I left soon after I went in. I just needed to warm up a bit." (Still completely lying.) "Hey, let me try and prove it to you. I have a trick that my great-great-great-great-great-great-uncle pulled when he was put in the games. His name was Arc."

    Mark turns around, searching for a hidden camera. "Any of the Gamemakers watching this? If so, tell me. I'd like to have a little chat." He says the final word with extreme derision. " One of you in particular."

    @Edema Rue @Ancient Elantrian @Experience @SmilingPanda19 

  9. 3 hours ago, Unintelligenius said:

    "I don't know" Quelkn said. "I kind of just realized that I'm in way over my head and I guess... I'm feeling lonely and want people to talk to."

    "Hey I'm just as new as you. Don't even know if I'm part of this group, or alliance or whatever it is. So do we want to team up? I think we'd be stronger together." 


    "Yes, lets form some kind of alliance." Mark says. "I want to at least make it through the night."

    @RoyalBeeMage @Lord Spirit @Unintelligenius

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