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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. The bear suddenly growls, and looks completely away from Aki and Vall. Then, you hear large, thumping footsteps, though the bear isn't moving. Another massive creature, a ten foot high, giant ape comes into view, far off. It yips loudly, and the bear growls. The two move closer to one another, seemingly about to fight. Then the bear sniffs the air. It turns back, scanning the trees, and growls again. The ape yips again, the shrill noise sending several birds flying away from hiding places. Then the two of them turn back to back. and wait... and wait.... and wait.
  2. The bear is oblivious to either of you, continuing shaking trees to get birdnests.
  3. Mark walks around, scanning the ground for rats or small rodents. Then he looks over at his Spren. "So, what's your name, little one?" "Myrdyn." The Spren croaks. "Hello, Myrdyn."
  4. Granted. You cannot burn a metal without burning the iron in your blood. I wish to know what Merp is.
  5. You spot a large form, with brown fur at the base of the tree. From above you can't pick out what it is through the branches, but it appears as some kind of large, mammal of some kind. It growls, a low, rumbling growl. It's big. Really storming big. Nearly the size of an elephant. (This is just a comparison, your character doens't have to know what elephants are) It lifts a huge clawed hand and slams it into the tree, shaking it. You can see birdnests falling, and the 'bear' eats the eggs, before moving to another tree. Now, with a better view of it, you can see that it's pretty much a brown bear but really big, except it's mouth is slightly more wolf-like.
  6. There is about a handful of berries. The nest has two white eggs, the size of a chicken egg. There is no animals or other birds to be seen, though, again, you can hear birdsong from above. The trees about a hundred feet (thirty meters-ish) to your left shake again. "The generator needs to recharge. Let them place their bets first, then hopefully it'll be charged enough to enter phase 3." A different voice, the same voice that earlier had been coming from Larry's communicator booms in the sky. A third voice speaks. "Two hundred on the one with the gun."
  7. "true. The arena's probably lined with aluminum. Well, if we can't escape, I don't know what to do now. Although," Mark grimaced. " The only 'food' I've had was some random vines that appeared from green sand, and I have no idea if it did anything. If we could find something edible, that would be great."
  8. “Actually…” Mark lowers his voice to a whisper. “ We might be able to break out of this place. You have a shardblade. That might be able to get us out.”
  9. "I sure hope it's not too many. Monsters aside, we still have to kill them eventually." Mark says this with a grimace. "I hate to be the one to say it, but..."
  10. Sorry, I was in a place without wifi yesterday. You find a bush with purple berries (They look kinda like blueberries but darker) With soft, non-thorned leaves. It seems to be the only of its kind, and to any with survival experience, you don't recognize the exact plant but you don't think its poisonous. You also find some plants that look kinda like potato plants so judge if your character would vaguely know this to see whether they would take the guess to check the roots of the plants. (I'd tell specifics of each character's knowledge, but you all probably (Hopefully) know your characters better than I do.) Also, walking through this jungle is difficult. The bushes grow thick, and the grass are tall. You find one patch of tall (Five foot) sharp grasses with stalks like blades, flat and serrated with thorns. One nearby smaller tree has a birdnest about fifteen feet (5 meters-ish) above the ground.
  11. "Thank you." Mark breaths in the light, mostly sealing the wound, though leaving a small cut. "So... What now?"
  12. The thorns are thick, but you manage to push through the bush into a small space between two massive towering trees. You can hear the chirping of birds directly above you, and in front is a small, two foot wide creek, scattered with rocks.
  13. "Most definitely not. Astra, do you have any light left?" Mark pants. "That... thing cut me bad. I need to heal. Could you maybe put some back into the flower so I can take it?" @LightRinger
  14. All of you hear faint birdsong begin on the horizon. And the faint rattling of branches in wind. YTo yourself, it seems as if there isn't any wind. Something else is shaking the trees.
  15. As the white light begins to fade, to find yourself in a thick, lush jungle. There is a small clearing, circular-ish, about 10ft in diameter. (3-ish meters.) Around it, there are some thick thorny plants, some fruits that are purple, though everything has a vaguely dangerous air about it.
  16. “Yeah. Surely they’d band together to fight a monster, right?” 900th post!!!
  17. Mark leaps away, knife catching him on the shoulder. He winces, then realizes what this monster is. “Kandra.” He turns and sprints away. “Nope nope nope nope nope! Not fighting this! No!” @Unintelligenius @Lotus Blossom
  18. YKYASFW you decide to reread SA and finish it ALL in four days.
  19. “Astra, we can take him together. You with a blade, I don’t care if this thing is a demon. A Shardblade’ll kill the storming thing anyway.”
  20. Mark yelps as the monster charges him. He throws another pebble before trying to run, but stumbling with the shaking of the earth. Terror sets in, then seems to fade, as Mark’s face changes once more, into the sharper, harder version of himself. He raises his fists. “Fight me honest, at least.” @Lotus Blossom @Unintelligenius
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