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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. What's your opinion on Merp?
  2. Reborn unto a world of magic
  3. Mark grabs the tentacle and bites it. "FOOD!!!"
  4. Mark grabs at the tentacle and yanks it away from his ankle, trying to stand. He stomps his other foot down on one tentacle. He also stops burning brass to conserve it.
  5. Mark slams his fist down on the tentacle-thing. "Roy! Help!" @RoyalBeeMage He downs his vial of brass and flares it as high as it can go, trying to soothe away any anger or hunger within the octopus. (Does soothing even work on animals?)
  6. Mark starts tearing up small plants to look for roots or tubers that appear vaguely edible. @Edema Rue @Ancient Elantrian @Experience @Rusts I always forget if there's another gamemaker or not
  7. Mark looks around for the cleanest looking one (Least amount of mud) and scoops it into his mouth, ignoring the fact that he might get sick from it. "Roy, this water's not too bad!"
  8. Mark looks around at the plants and various activated spores to try and spot something edible. (He doesn't know you can eat verdant.) He also tries to locate a puddle for water, but he doesn't walk far.
  9. Mark looks around. "Is there any chance you have any food? Or anywhere I could get some?"
  10. "No idea. Honestly, I'm so tired right now, you could all be koloss and I wouldn't notice."
  11. Slight distrust from Roy to Mark, Mark practically begging for alliance, Unintelligenius's character (Forgot the name,) kind of trustful I think. Also they're dueling.
  12. Oroden is going to become a warlord who'll conquer all of Roshar and sell it to the Ghostbloods for 1 earth dollar.
  13. I Jump on the floorboards, bashing your head and then tear up the floor to grab the sandwich.
  14. Ah, man.. trying to beg Gamemakers for supplies in the Hunger Games doesn't work anymore? 

    1. Experience


      I mean...maybe it would with some of them...

      Not Rekker tho :).

    2. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather


      Maybe I'll beg sponsors for supplies....

      Nah. I've lied about a enslaved sister enough times for this Hunger Games.

      If I had a nickel for every time my Hunger Games character tried to use a lie about his 'enslaved' sister, I'd have two nickels.

      But its weird that it happened twice.

  15. Mark huffs in anger as the hologram dissapears. "Well, shucks. Maybe that didn't work, but I can still be trusted! All I want is to save my sister. Betraying you would mark me as a bad ally to everyone, which would doom me to die. Someone alone out here would last long." @Lord Spirit
  16. "Then why is this thing still running?" Mark asks. "Rekker, I know your there, or else Epiphany couldn't have known you don't want to talk. But, think of this. If you could stop the death of someone dearest to you, would you? And, if you had the power to give someone the power to do that, would you? Would you supply someone to save their beloved? If so, help. Please. My sister... I came here to save her. To keep her alive. They said if I won I could free her, stop the slavery, so please... A weapon. Anything. I need help." (Total lie.)
  17. "Oh, wrong one. Where is the one who calls themselves Rekker? I have something to say to them... Somethign that they'll want to listen to."
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