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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. "Then why is this thing still running?" Mark asks. "Rekker, I know your there, or else Epiphany couldn't have known you don't want to talk. But, think of this. If you could stop the death of someone dearest to you, would you? And, if you had the power to give someone the power to do that, would you? Would you supply someone to save their beloved? If so, help. Please. My sister... I came here to save her. To keep her alive. They said if I won I could free her, stop the slavery, so please... A weapon. Anything. I need help." (Total lie.)
  2. "Oh, wrong one. Where is the one who calls themselves Rekker? I have something to say to them... Somethign that they'll want to listen to."
  3. "Which of you is this? The Scadrian who can't speak normal? The guy with the ferret? The other one?"
  4. "Why don't you trust me?" Mark asks. "Is it because I came from the casino? Do you have a problem with gambling? If so, then that's no reason not to trust me. I didn't know it was a casino, and I left soon after I went in. I just needed to warm up a bit." (Still completely lying.) "Hey, let me try and prove it to you. I have a trick that my great-great-great-great-great-great-uncle pulled when he was put in the games. His name was Arc." Mark turns around, searching for a hidden camera. "Any of the Gamemakers watching this? If so, tell me. I'd like to have a little chat." He says the final word with extreme derision. " One of you in particular." @Edema Rue @Ancient Elantrian @Experience @SmilingPanda19
  5. "Yes, lets form some kind of alliance." Mark says. "I want to at least make it through the night." @RoyalBeeMage @Lord Spirit @Unintelligenius
  6. Why is existence a part time job? It's not for Hoid. ( He just doesn't die.)
  7. Have you ever thought about inviting some random Sharders to a Shardcast? (Obviously it would be WAY too choatic, but y'know.... who needs rails?)
  8. I was about to answer this, and treamayne beat me to it. I agree with what Treamayne said, he definetly died but was revived by stormlight, like when Lift revived gawx.
  9. YKYASW You wake up earlier each morning to have time to go on the shard before school.
  10. "I'm a tineye. I have no tin, so pretty much I'm no one."
  11. Mark leaves the Casino, spotting @Lord Spirit, @RoyalBeeMage and @Unintelligenius. When he sees them he immediately holds his hands above his head and backs away from them. "Don't kill me! Four is stronger than three!"
  12. "I win." Mark says. He grunts, holding out one hand for the brass.
  13. @Ancient Elantrian The deal Mark offered was if he loses breakneck he must do a task for you, and if he wins he gets brass. I think the ping didn't work since I put it in as an edit.
  14. Oh yeah.... That..... it depends on what time it takes place it. Pre-Everstorm = Shinovar, after WoR = Reshi Isles.
  15. If a koloss was made from spikes that were pewter, would it be stronger? If the spikes were from a pewterarm, would it be stronger? Would other types of spikes influence a koloss?
  16. I think (for some of them at least) The Masks show what station they have in the structure of their cities.
  17. Eshonai could have a song when she comes out of the storm in stormform for the first time and the melody of the song plays each time the everstorm hits.
  18. "I need brass. And something to ease the headache of bad metal." Mark says to the gambler, unfazed by his appearance. Where's he's from, people look like that all the time. He was considered fancy down in the mines with his shirt that still had some of the original gray visible on it. Please. I need Brass. I need to find someone. Need to trick them... He had a sense of pleading in his eyes. "Can we go quickly? I need to find some people who I think I'm in an alliance with. Though we immediately split up. And she seemed drunk. She kept calling me darling for some reason and not noticing when I made fun of her for it. Anyways, Brass if I win, I do something for you if you win. Deal?" @Ancient Elantrian
  19. Did you go through the same door as Mark?
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