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The Stormfather

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Posts posted by The Stormfather

  1. 21 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:


    Home, District Orodain 

    Douglas, laid his brother back in his bed, and crawls back into his bed himself. "What if he is an empath" he keeps repeating to himself, both in his mind and aloud. He remembers developing his latent talent, which was about the age his brother was, "But how are we going to train him in his ability, it is so different to mine, and was more Dad's. 

    He lays back, thinking also of the ever present Hunger Games that were creeping closer and closer, with each passing day.


    Winter Mountains, Hunger Games Arena 

    Douglas watches the person get closer, "please be affected by my talent", he says, straining his talent, to stretch it to his max, to make it more potent and bigger. "Please, I have a brother to look after" he thinks, tears rolling down his cheeks, picking up the makeshift spear that he had made, and waiting for the other person to arrive. 

    @The Stormfather


    What is your talent BTW?

    Mine is irrelevant in combat.

    Also, yeah, we could just take turns. So, say, flip a coin and heads you hit the attack? D20 above 10 hits?

    Alari has two knives to fight with. 

  2. I'm sad they rose Flutter Mane's tier, since it was a staple of all my OU teams. Really annoying, since having that coverage was insane along with the speed?

    I switched it for regieleki w/ light clay and screens, but it doesn't work as good for the team.

  3. 19 hours ago, SmilingPanda19 said:


    There is some plant roots, not the most delicious, but edible.

    Alari devours all but one of the roots before walking back towards the cornucopia and the squid-thing.

    He pushes the root close to the squid and while it(hopefully) eats it he tries to grab the nearest weapon.


  4. 4 hours ago, Argenti said:

    "WOAH THERE!" Mark falls down but catches himself on one of the branches. He drops the stick he was carrying on Alari's head.

    "OW!" Alari throws his stick at Mark, ignoring the other one who's name I forgot.

  5. Alari shrugs, picking up some dirt from the ground and readying the stick he picked up earlier before walking over to the tree.

    EDIT : He throws the dirt up the tree, hoping to get it in someone's eyes.

  6. 1 minute ago, Argenti said:

    Mark tries to follow her, but as he tries to climb up, he has to spiral up around the tree, making the process needlessly complex.


    "You back off! I gotta kill this girl, she threatened me!" 


    Does the water bottle hit Mark?

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