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The Stormfather

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Posts posted by The Stormfather

  1. At the exit, you can see Synwyl idly spinning a bracelet on her wrist. 

    "Ah, youre all here. So, you are travelling to the Horneater peaks. If anyone asks what you are doing or where you are travelling, say that you are merchants heading for the peaks, and if they pry, shut them out. DO NOT on ANY circumstances tell anyone about the police force. They dont know about it, and its better that way."

    She procedes to go an about a 10minute lecture that basically the whole point is 'be careful.'

    "I can see that most of you are good at fighting, but these peopel that can move interdimensionally, they are dangerous. So, I've decided to allow each of you a trip to the armory. Non-invested items ONLY. If you have any special requests, talk to me." She taps the wall behind her in a specific pattern and rhythm, and it pulls open into a door. You can see various weapons and armor beyond. Guns too.

    "I rusting love these doors." She mutters.

  2. Alari decides not to go into the hills, seeing signs of people being there before. (Since some people actually were!)

    Then, he thinks about that 'squid thing, and his talent (Which gives him random facts and a good memory)

    Maybe tells him something, if the squid thing is a animal that exists and not a one-of-a kind monster.


  3. 5 hours ago, SmilingPanda19 said:



    There’s a big pile of stuff. Nobody else is near. The pile shifts, a tentacle reaches out, grabs some grass and pulls back in. A crunch sounds. 

    Alari, after a few moments hesitation runs at the pile. He tries to grab something, anything, and run out as fast as possible.

  4. Alari army crawls slowly back towards the cornucopia, trying to spot a bag or a weapon, after readyng himself and preparing himself mentally.

    Is anyone who's at the cornucopia looking for a fight or can I grab a pouch or bag or something?


    5 minutes ago, justice magician said:

    "Well that's a bit odd innit?" PoMee knocks on the wall the thaylen disappeared through. "Ma'am?"

    "Luxury break room, reserved for 2nd rank investigators and above!" You hear muffled through the wall, the response coming quite quickly.

  6. Quote

    So sorry I couldn't post yesterday, my computer was being really annoying.

    At the start of the games, Alari just RUNS.

    He is TERRIFIED. He is sprinting north from the cornucopia, always looking back over his shoulder in terror.

    There are many thoughts going through his mind, due to his Talent. He thinks about trying to find edible plants, water, and trying to climb a tree. He doesn't do anything though, and just RUNS.

    What is to the north of the Cornucopia? And, if it wouldn't be too much trouble could we have a map? I don't need it urgently, but it would be helpful.

    @Edema Rue @Invisible @SmilingPanda19

  7. Oh, yeah sorry. I've been a bit busy.

    Ella and PoMee see a short thaylen woman with (obviously) giant eyebrows walking past in a hurry. She stops at a seemingly random portion of the wall of the hallway.

    She raises one hand, and you see somethign VERY odd on it.

    A soulcaster. You can see three different gemstones in it, which, (I think) means she can do three things with it.

    The portion of the wall dissapears, seemingly transformed into air. She turns around, eyes widening slightly when she sees the two of you. Then, she soulcasts the wall back, and you here very faint footsteps behind them.



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