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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. The Sunhearts or whatever they were called are used to power an oven instead of spaceships.
  2. I sort of thought that the set had been experimenting with Trellium or Harmonium from a line Telsin says in Lost Metal.
  3. Are you losing or winning the game?
  4. Oh, storms. No! White Sands wasn't bad, but we don't need this many editions! Arcanum leatherbound! Nalthis Essay!
  5. I started playing all of the old campaigns in battle for wesnoth.
  6. HI! Would you like a totally not hemalurgically spiked cookie?
  7. "There's been a meteor strike." The police officer says. "Some claim it's brought monsters upon us... And... well we have some evidence that it did. Someone was killed... and by something that was NOT human. We're gonna' try and hunt these things down."
  8. No. We don't need MORE versions of White Sands.
  9. *Throws a fake stick at you as a distraction* *Pulls out a piece of ginger. Holds it up above my head.* "Ginger!"
  10. "We're under attack!" *Runs away and eats some cookies. (The non-spiked kind.)
  11. I think first whoever was making the movies would probably have to do one of the more cinematic books(Like TFE*) and then do that. *I really think it would be hilarious if the first book to be adapted was White Sands.
  12. "Ah! Robbers!" Throws a secret cookie that was in my pocket at @RoyalBeeMage It has two spikes through it.
  13. Yeah, this theory isn't really perfectly sound, but I do find it interesting how he gathered more and more Windspren over time. I find this odd. Your point about the Squires makes sense, but, you can draw evidence from Teft and Lopen, who were flying around and doing all that stuff before their chapters where they swore the 3rd, but when they did have a spren of their own. Were they still technically squires, or is learning new surges just based off of education? I have no storming idea.
  14. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Huh. I just sort of thought there were more and more windspren with each ideal. In tWoK there was a few with Syl that kept appearing, though we don't know they were the same spren. In WoR there was a large group of them when he swore the 3rd and flew around. It said something like 'there were dozens of them flying behind him(Paraphrased)' And then in RoW there was a bunc hfo them which eventually formed Plate. It kind of makes sense that by gathering a lot of them he gathered enough investiture to form plate, but, this theory doesn't really work because if there wasn't enough windspren earlier to form plate, you could ask 'Why couldn't they form a few of the plates without making the full suit?" But, counterpoint ' Why couldn't Kaladin do full gravitational lashings in tWoK?" Because he didn't know how, and because he wasn't ready.
  15. Chickens, just because any bird ever is a chicken according to rosharans.
  16. Part 8( I've decided it'll be 10 parts.) *Warning, there's a bit of violence in this part.
  17. Hello! Welcome to the shard. Who's your favourite character?
  18. Who are you calling different? *I've done this joke so many times.* I think that those Windspren yanked from Shadesmar when he swore each ideal, as the groups of them seem to get bigger and then at 4th there was enough of them to form plate. Just a theory, no actual evidence.
  19. *There's no spikes.* "I couldn't find enough people to spike.... Sad..."
  20. *Walks into cult.* "Anyone want some ginger cookies? Made with real ginger!"
  21. "Well, I can get ya' some ale or scotch, if you want." The barkeep, a gruff, older man says. "But, it's not free." The police officer turns to you. "What did you see on the mountain? I know you already spoke to someone, but.. Do you have any details about what's going on in this place?"
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