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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. Hello! Welcome to the shard. Who's your favourite character?
  2. Who are you calling different? *I've done this joke so many times.* I think that those Windspren yanked from Shadesmar when he swore each ideal, as the groups of them seem to get bigger and then at 4th there was enough of them to form plate. Just a theory, no actual evidence.
  3. *There's no spikes.* "I couldn't find enough people to spike.... Sad..."
  4. *Walks into cult.* "Anyone want some ginger cookies? Made with real ginger!"
  5. "Well, I can get ya' some ale or scotch, if you want." The barkeep, a gruff, older man says. "But, it's not free." The police officer turns to you. "What did you see on the mountain? I know you already spoke to someone, but.. Do you have any details about what's going on in this place?"
  6. "Well, that's something." He raises his voice. "Anyone who wants to help track down these cursed creatures, follow me!" Then he walks towards the nearby pub, the stag.
  7. I'm supposed to be working on a research project that was assigned a week ago that I haven't worked on. YAY!!!
  8. I delete my name momentarily so I am technically named nameless and you accidentally give me the sandwich.
  9. "Can you fight? Can you track?"
  10. Part 7(Sorry this took so long to post.)
  11. Oh, thanks. I really needed something to throw at @The Sibling. Take some of Wax's rum in return. I trade my water bottle's left sock.
  12. What is your favorite number? Who is your favourite youtuber? What is the bestest book? Are you a big Bfandan Sanderlanderfan?
  13. YKYASW You are constantly anytime you need to say a random number you say 16 or (If the number needs to be high,) 631. At this point, ive made hundreds of 631 jokes. hundreds. Maybe around six hundred... a bit more than that. Around six hundred and thirty one.
  14. "Someone was murdered. There was claw marks on the barn door, where something had broken in. These things are real. I think we might need to organize a few people to...neutralize them." The police officer says.
  15. The reporters look at all of you in shock. They do not believe you, clearly, but play along. "Well, if you saw these monsters, maybe you should try to, i dunno, get rid of them somehow?" They seem skeptical. The police car drives in and skids to a stop. a tall, lanky officer opens the door, stepping out. he slams the door of the car behind him. " So, there's been another strike."
  16. The reporter turns away and begins speaking to some other people. If you all want to, you can see each other in this place since the two of you both responded, and both just informed each other that you saw monsters on the mountain. Also, a police car can be seen driving in, far in the distance on a hill towards where the sun had risen.
  17. wad'ya mean I've been lying?
  18. "Monsters? Are you sure?" the reporter turns to a camera. "Here in the town of lomonde someone is claiming that otherworldly beings rode the asteroid down to earth." They turn back to you. "Right? That's what you say?"
  19. A short, blonde reporter steps towards you, holding a microphone. "Here we have someone who was on the mountain at the time of the strike. So, what did you see? what did it feel like to see the sky fall in front of you?"
  20. So, uhhh, I guess I'm starting this, so, uhhh @ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ @RoyalBeeMage @TheFrugalWizard @..... @Scars of Hathsin Each of you, the day after the events on the mountain awake, dreams filled with images of those creatures that they had seen upon the mountain, images of death, destruction, and they know that those creatures must be stopped before they attack Lomonde. The day begins as it normally would, until, at around noon, there are news reporters pouring in from the sides of the village, asking people for interviews, and asking if there was anyone upon the mountain whilst the meteor struck. They also ask if anyone was hit, and whether they survived or not.
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