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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. I just started a new RP about an interdimensional cosmere police force! check it out!

  2. So, yet another of my RP ideas, many of which have failed badly. This one seems like a good idea though, so here's some information : The ICPF(Inter dimensional cosmere police force) regulates trade between planets and hunts criminal who switch planets. They have many bases across the cosmere. They are currently about to send a batch of new recruits( the players) into training and out on cases. The base the recruits have been brought to is a secure cave underneath the purelake, although not filled with water. They want non-important people, not wanting to remove people from the government to send cities into chaos. In timeline thinking, it willl mainly be on roshar, but say right at the end of rhythm of war. The fighting in emul is nearly won, and Urithiru is being freed. The timeline won't matter much, but just for some context. This means that mistborn era 1 has happened, warbreaker and elantris have happened, and I think most of the short stories have happened. Basic character sheet : Example character sheet : (Kaladin) Anyone who wants to join can join, and you can have any powers you want, but, be warned, if people are like : Gold compounder! 5th ideal! 10000000 breaths! I will amp up the difficulty to match you, making it probably less fun for others who have less powers, so don't go crazy with compounding or number of breaths or anything. Have fun! More information will follow if anyone is interested, and please PM me if your character has any hidden secrets that not everyone should know. There's always another secret..........................(Said in a deep foreboding voice.) "Welcome to the ICPF!"
  3. Question of the day : do you know what your rep title is?

    Mine is arbiter, the whohaswhatit's from azir

    1. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Most Ancient, from the Stormlight Archive I think? No idea what they actually are though haha. Kinda fitting since my Shardiversary was a few days ago.

    3. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      witisthe best, a seer is an atium misting, i believe

  4. That makes sense, although Bavadin herself might have known this was a possibility and I think could be part of the plot in era 3 or 4, depending on how much the Set is actually part of the story. I find this to be quite the problem if they do have it, because any mistborn in a place without mistborn : bad. very bad. We saw what Elena could do to those kolloss.
  5. So here's another question : The Set tested the explosion right? Smaller ones in the tunnels? Don't they have scraps of lerasium now, if they exploded Harmonium via bavadinium?
  6. I dunno' some fakemon from fan games are on the competitive website, with full movesets and stats, although their not in official tournaments. Stats for a new pokemon : KALADIN STORMBLESSED Attack : 120 Sp attack : 70 Defense : 80 Sp defense : 95 Speed : 160 Hp : 110 Total : 635 Thought of this in class today, also invented some signatur knight radiant moves and an ability : Ability : Stormlight holding : When stormlight is activated, the pokemon recovers 1/4 hp each turn. they also get a 1.3x boost to attack and speed. Move : Inhale light : for four turns the stormlight holding ability is active.
  7. So, in the lost metal, Wax became mistborn from some lerasium he inhaled in the little explosion in his basement, right? A bunch of harmonium, which got exploded, is in the ocean. Is it possible that some lerasium was dropped into the ocean, to be found by someone in a further era, Or... Mistborn FISH!!! (This is a dumb theory. please do not think that I actually think that the concept of fish being allomancers is possible.)
  8. Can i join as an alleywatcher? I will offer cookies to those who have not been Spiked. Oops! I mean initiated.
  9. when your friend asks if they could get you some water, and you desperately want to say "Could you get ANYONE else, a glass of wine?" Secrets in stained glass joke.
  10. When your dad asks if you want anything for christmas and you say 'Any new sanderson things recently?
  11. Question of the day : if you could could have either taravangian’s boon and curse or lifts boon and curse, which would you choose?

    I would choose lift… because… lift.

    also zooming around as an edge dancer seems fun

  12. Question of the day : if you could be on scadrial at any time, when and where would it be?

    I would pick in Elendel AFTER the whole buisiness with everything that happened in the lost metal.

    hopefully it’s peaceful with the malwish…

    1. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      Era 1, 


      Right after Sazes remakes everything. And I want to have live in vith worlds.


  13. I concur. Welcome! Any thoughts on white sands? ( I'm asking everyone. It's a bit of a controversial question here.)
  14. Question of the day : Which is your favorite stormlight interlude?

    Mine is the Ishikk one, cuz 

    TFE+cosmere(Kind of...)




    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      that's a good point. Now I'm not sure.....


    3. Ravenclawjedi42


      I liked Ym’s a lot, I’m not sure why.

    4. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      I do like seeing cobblers get murdered.

      (I'm weird.)

  15. YAY!! sorry I wasn't here for the last bit. should we start another game?
  16. Paalm? EDIT: you just said not hemalurgic creation. I feel stupid.
  17. question of the day(sorry I missed a few.) Halloween costume :

    which do you think is better?

    Bridge four or Mistborn?

    I say Mistborn. they fit the halloween vibe.

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Mistborn is easier and matches better, but bridge four can be epic. Bridge four is better for cons.

  18. I can’t keep up with this thread imma have to leave. I’m already dead, so no harm done.
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