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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. Arc the shade floats over to the shelter that he had been at before, holping that Alder would follow. The pain of his memories... it was too much. He spotted Quill and Rask with another tribute, Ζωή. They... replaced me. His thoughts, barely keeping out that urge to attack anyone near the fire, spun with anger. "Que.Quel. Quell. Qu...ill? Rask?"The words came out garbled, barely different from a groan. @Canada Lover @Lord Spirit @DefiantAllomancer
  2. @Argenti Arc the shade shakes alders hand, the human gesture bringing back so many memories of his past. the man was lying. ”train for these games and your family will be treated with the utmost care in the future.”the man said. ”We can’t give away our only child for your games!”mother cried. “You should speak with more care to your superiors.”the man said, pristine suit glinting the light off of the nearby lantern. arc played nearby, seeing Father shake hands with the man in the suit. He was only four. the last thing he saw before he was stolen was mother crying. Arc’s tears held him together through the night, his vague voice understanding of what was happening was daunting in of itself. He threw a glance backwards, seeing his old house fade into the distance, stack of money in mothers tear stained hands. Thirteen years later. “Chosen tribute, step forwards : Arc Deneth! You have volunteered for the hunger games! May the odds be ever in your favour. ”I didn’t choose this! I-“thump. Darkness. ”I didn’t choose this.”Arc whispered. ”I just wanted a family.”arc whispered to himself. Every person he had begun to see as a friend had left. Died. Chosen for the games.No one was left. If he won… he would get back at that man. He would get back to his family. Arc as he knew himself died that night. No longer Arc the trainee. Now he was arc the conniving maniac. He wrote through the night, preparing ways to convince and manipulate the tributes and even the gamemakers. (real time now.) Arc the shade tried to cry, but failed. ”Family.” That word carried much more meaning to Arc, as he had not known a true family for all his life.
  3. Arc the shade returns to sentience for a few brief moments, holding out his hand to alder ”friend?”
  4. Arc jerks when alder says his name. he grits his ‘teeth’ forcing himself to keep control over th perineal emotions of a shade. ” Hheellpp”he says. “Help. Help.”he groans, primal forces taking over his mind ”help.”he says once more before joining the hunt for food.
  5. So saffrons sneakier got captured somehow? azalea is trapped in a tunnel? i missed some things. Arc the shade floats around aimlessly. He moves towards the centre, wary of the silver and the pain it brings. He spots another shade, who seems vaguely familiar. ”ahhhhh……”the groan barely makes a noise, shocking arc in that he can make noise. Struggling to maintain self awareness for a few blissful moments he pieces together the word. ”Alder.” @Argenti if a game maker has a problem with this, tell me.
  6. Arc the shade feels a strange warmth inside, moving towards his shelter. The shelter feels like home, yet when he tries to enter, it burns. Oh, that pain. The pain of touching silver. The pain of abandonment. Arc moves away from the shelter, seeing fire. He draws away, angry. He moves to the eastern mouth of the river in a rage, searching for someone to.... murder.
  7. Arc the shade is having a nap. He's tired. Can Arc the shade interact with Alder the shade? How much humanity does he have left.
  8. Wait am I a shade now since they killed me?(Maniacal laughter.)
  9. Arc throws himself at the shades, a last ditch effort to save quill and rask. “you saved me once. Guess I’m returning the favour.”he swings his knife wildly, shouting and dodging, getting the shades to attack him. More and more come, and at first he does well. Cold seeps up his legs and he falls to the ground, still swinging. ”I am Arc of district 1! Remember this! Remember that we don’t have to be murderers!” He yells at the cameras, dying. “And remember, Callie, that I never told anyone!”Still don’t know anything about Callie, still bluffing. “Quill. Rask. Win this for me. heswongs again with his last breath, sending the knife through the air to land near quill and rask. ”take the knife.”a shade charges again, taking the soul from the brave warrior. btw arc dies.
  10. "QUill! Help!"Arc yells, swinging out his knife again to drive back the angry shades. "Alder lit a big fire and now shades are mad!!!!!!"
  11. Arc swings his knife in long sweeps, hoping to maybe hit a less intelligent shade.
  12. Arc backs away and goes back to the shelter. He kinda sneaks, to avoid the shades.
  13. Alder does… right? he lit the fire, and arc is like, ten feet away, threatening Alder with his knife and stick. Arc backs away slowly, watching the shades.
  14. Arc spots Alder, holding out his knife and stick threateningly. “Step away from the fire. Now.”
  15. Arc goes off to find alder, following the smoke. He holds his knife and stick fearfully.
  16. Arc notices a bit of smoke, pointing it out to quill and rask and asks if they should go kill whoever lit the fire
  17. Argenti stole my idea! good on ya’. can elan donate me a frog spleen?
  18. Question of the day: would you rather be on roshar at during the desolation or on scadrial during the time right before the catacendre in HoA?

    i would rather be on Roshar. Life doesn’t really change for the random people, and I might get to go to urithiru.

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Roshar. Less chance of being melted.

    2. The Stormfather
  19. Lotus blossom? is the knife that arc has serrated in any way? Could he use it to cut a branch offf a tree and get a stick?
  20. I love how I’m clearly in a different time zone than everyone. I’m going to bed way before and for me everyone is posting well into the night. Arc takes his knife, and begins to slowly cut through a small bit sturdy branch of a tree, wanting a makeshift quarter staff.
  21. Arc is going to walk over to the river, scoop some water into his mouth and creep back to the shelter. (Felt like O should post this since I’ve been imagining him going to the river a few times.)
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