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The Stormfather

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Posts posted by The Stormfather

  1. Quote

    Name: Arc(It's threnody right?)

    Age (12-18): 18

    Gender: Male

    Preferred District: 1

    Alliance (yes or no?): No.

    Skills: Some carpentry, forestry.

    Personality: standoff-ish, usually goes out of his way to stay away from other people.

    Preferred Weapon: Axe

    Other: Is a lumberjack.  Uses those sort of moves with his axe. Terrified to the core of shades.

    I'm makin a prediction shades are gonna attack people. When you die you can shade-ify.

  2. So... if you were storing an attribute in a bendalloy bubble, would the amount stored be how long has passed for you, how long has passed outside the bubble, or how much time you perceive to have passed?

    And if it's how much time has actually passed being a pulser twinborn is amazing, because you can sit to store loads of stuff but it would only take you a few minutes for you.

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