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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. Parts of it are confusing, but I can understand most of it. Except chickens.
  2. Arc hands the came to Quill. ”You did want a silver staff. Give Rask the knife. I won’t be much help, even with a weapon.”Arc prods at his hurt flesh.
  3. Yes!!!!!!!!! Would you say ot shines with a silvery light? ”who gets the cane?”arc asks, staring at the valueable weapon.
  4. gamemakers? Does anyone know what speed walking would do? It would make the shade green eyed right?
  5. I would check the gm pm, but I'm not a gm. hey my whole alliance is recently browsing! yay! EDIT : "I have a new idea for a plan."Arc whispers. "Lets all hide around the cornucopia and wait for someone to search it."
  6. that should work, although whoever's at the back bubble would be put in regular time for a moment if they didn't reach the overlap of the two bubbles in time for when the next bubble went down.
  7. question of the day : which would you rather be : an aetherbound of zephyr spores(Air shooting)

    or a twinborn A-steel F-tin?

    I would want the twinborn, because feruchemy seems so cool.

  8. make sure to share! sharing is caring! Arc stumbles into the shelter mumbling. he now has shadephobia. "I..I'm alive! I'm alive!"He begins laughing, then quiets as he realizes laughing loudly when tryin not to be found is not smart. Arc hands the knife back to Quill. " you should take it. I- won't be much of a fighter. that fight took a lot out of me.
  9. Arc spins, swiping the knife. (Are you trying to kill me right now and I'm being annoying or is it meant to be a fight?)gtg. imagine a fight and tell me the results. bed time.
  10. Arc spins around, gasping, searching for the shade. he turns and moves back towards the shelter, slowly moving whilst watching for the angry shade.(Did the shade get killed? i'm not sure.)
  11. Arc motions for quill to get away, hands sweaty. He lunges forward, striking for the heart with his right hand, not his left which got mauled by a different shade earlier. I healed that wound with silver but its still weak. The knife(Hopefully? please?) goes strait for the shades heart.
  12. I searched extensively the eastern shelter for secret compartements. did I find something? it was earlier. I checked the floor for trapdoors, and the ring of silver for secret levers. for the shade fight : Arc tucks into a roll, snatching the silver knife and holding it out, swiping for when the shade comes near for a strike.
  13. So that shade that was fighting us... did Quill's knife throw hit it lethally? it was a silver knife btw.
  14. Arc moves quickly away from the bloodied squirrel, terrified from his last encounter with shades. "Your knife! you have the knife! get the shades! get them! Ahh!!!!"He screams, but silences after a moment.
  15. Elan? Do you have a map of all the secret hidden stuff or is it just made up? I'm asking because i'm thinking of trying to run a similar thing with friends in my class at school.
  16. Arc limps along with Quill, searching for any supplies. he finds.........
  17. "What if we tried to find a trap and then.., Arc whispers to Quill and Rask.
  18. maybe not.... Arc is gonna think for a while, trying to hatch some eggcelent schemes.(Puns!)
  19. shoot. okay I got no more ideas. Pitches anyone? @Canada Lover? @Lord Spirit? any dumb schemes to maybe get some stuff? Arc hands Quill his silver knife. "May the odds be ever in your favor."
  20. you should try punching the barrier. Arc checks the silver ring for hidden levers. @Ancient Elantrian @Edema Rue you're the only gamemakers active. any hidden stuff?
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