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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. Arc stumbles up, testing out his newly healed legs and arm. he finds that each move slowly and have pain when moved sharply, and he now fully lacks the ability to run, only limp, and one eye barely functions. "Ow....."Arc begins. "Ow."He confirms. "Well... that went badly. I was hoping that I could use the mushroom as a weapon. Maybe I should ask you all about my plans before I try them." He nods to Quill and Rask.
  2. maybe if saffron wins she can flip off at the celebration and try to kill the gamemakers. may the odds be ever in your favor. Arc asks Quill to trade his bread for Arc's silver knife.
  3. Arc presses the knife against all of the wounded parts of his body. so he feels like he's always tired, half blind, arm weak, but moderately alive and functional?
  4. I like eating chicken. MWAAAAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Death to chickens!
  5. Arc presses his knife against his arm, hoping that it might somehow be silver. He's dying.
  6. Arc lies down, energy spent. "Quill. Rask. Find.(Cough.cough.) silver. please. You can have my knife. Find me silver. I don't have long." he coughs again. "check the(Cough.) ring. the ring of silver around the shelter. There might be something hidden.
  7. @Ancient Elantrian? Do I make it to the shelter or do I die? I understand if i'm dead. won't be mad.
  8. Arc spins, holding out his knife. He faces the shade, one eye limp and falling. he lifts a handful of dirt, dashing it at the shade and turning to sprint towards his and quill+rask's shelter. At the river, he just runs right through, trying to get away from the enraged shades.(I realize more shades will come from me running.)
  9. half of my face? Arc begins backpedalling away from the shade.
  10. Arc lunges forward with his knife at the shade, wary of it's cold strikes.
  11. was someone murdered by a chicken? Also for @witisthebest he never said what kaa did when he appeared beside Arc holding an axe.
  12. This gamemaker plotline is going crazy. It's awesome. Also apparently there was something about popcorn explosions?
  13. Arc motions for Rask to get away, brandishing his knife. I was never told whether it was silver or not. No time like the present to find out! he holds his knife out at the shade, seeing if it scares it.
  14. when arc stabs it with his knife does it light up? Sorry for these questions. I'm ramping up to something. basically i'm asking if they only light up when someone touches it.
  15. Stormypop? that makes sense that plan was a bit of a stretch. maybe I'll light the forest on fire next.... nah thats dumb.
  16. Arc drops the flaming mushroom, then reaches out with his knife to prod at another. are the shades angry? "I have a plan. I can throw a mushroom at someone and then the shades will think that they lit fire and will kill them.
  17. Arc moves to the northern mushroom patch, being sure not the step int o the open. Anyone there? @Lord Spirit do you follow?
  18. Question of the day

    would you rather be a soother on earth or a coin shot on scadrial(era 1 or 2)

    I would rather be a soother on earth, because chances are there’s not a seeker who will find you, and then… soothing! Yay!

  19. Ok. Arc backs away from the creatures, hoping they’re not notice him. He motions to Rask to back away, whispering “Creatures.”
  20. @SmilingPanda19 you’re active. many creatures or supplies at the cornucopia? feel no need to reply soon.
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