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The Stormfather

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Posts posted by The Stormfather

  1. So... Hear me out. In TLM, Wayne makes the bubble at the end and it forms crystals when he used a Ton of Bendalloy. When you normally burn it the barrier is gaseous. If you used a lot, but not that much, could you theoretically make the barrier liquid?

    then... could you... drink it?

    I know that this is dumb. I know. I realize it makes no sense but then again, does it?

  2. *I think I figured out how they work. There's a tiny gem in the mini boxes and a huge one in the big ones so when you move it around the model, it moves more, but the gems are the right size to fit well with the model right?*

    "That could be quite helpful. In fact, maybe we could use them as a sort of shield for windrunners. Imagine me flying with that in front of me, and then it moves out of the way for me to strike, and then you move it back to block!" Solivar says.

    @shardnuke? You there? hello?

    The ship is hovering above the ship. 

    Enlieth comes up from belowdecks. "Dinner! Dinner!"

  3. I think the biggest distinction is that there would have to be SO MUCH investiture in the steel to change it's Axi into pure investiture, AKA Edglium.

    I think at a point yes, with enough investiture, but the rate that investiture leaves nightblood is quite high, and we don;t even know if nightblood can hold that much. Someone incredibly invested, like maybe Susebron, could pour investiture into it quickly enough that the Axi begin to eject the steel and reform to be edglium or some steel-edglium-nighblood alloy, but I think at this point, nightblood is not considered a god metal, but a peice of metal with a ton of investiture dumped on it.

    Also, to make a sort of comparison : When holding stormlight, you yourself are not becoming more invested.  You are holding the investiture. We have no confirmation that putting a breath in a object makes that thing more invested, or rather gives it the breath to hold. some breaths in nightblood would invest it's spirit and make it sapient and allow it to talk, but others it could just be holding on to as extra food for later.


  4. Solivr smiles.

    "Good! I can test the fabrials. What are they?"

    only for Aetherbound.


    You find many more similar battle plans.

    One sheet of paper shows the fabrial housings and shows the easiest ways to attack, and also is written the ways to defend against those attacks. You can surmise that Enlieth has a strong military mind.

    You then find one sphere, glowing, with voidlight.

    @shardnuke you wanna do anything?

  5. Innovation see's in Enlieths room

    Only aetherbound look at the spoiler box please.


    You see it's a regular room identical to yours but a bit bigger.

    Papers are strewn across the desk with designs of the fourth bridge. They seem to be sorts of battle plans possibly, but bits of it are written in a language you don't regcognize. Most of it is in Alethi. He seems to be trying to predict what the fused will to in each fight. Innovation finds the room slightly disturbing in the dark.

    You also see that the bed is made perfectly, and their are several spheres on the desk, all dun.

    Solivar turns to see Sky.

    "Ah.. The Artifabrian!"He laughs. "Your Creations are the talk of the soldiers!"

  6. here's the barkeep at the tavern, Talicus, the dwarf Veteran :IMG_20230811_114124.jpg.5e9aad55f983ded76c698607a30b80dd.jpg

    And his brother Aventak, who also goes by the name of Wind, The travelling merchant. He has a sword that moves arrows that are shot at him. :IMG_20230811_114132.jpg.4227ee2ba590a845e3df5797d04a1bfd.jpg

    Sorry 'bout the double post.

  7. this seems cool. Iv'e only hit the rep limit once, and that was after scrolling through old sanderson memes about shallan where I gave out like seven or eight, and I have another proposal that seems dumb but if you think about it kinda makes sense : you have a rep limit of 20, but an extra 5, or 10 or something, for the theories section and forum games.

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