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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. Arc rips the pack off his face, shocked at the two people he is fighting. He takes the risk to run, and runs as fast as he can towards any weapons or supplies lying around. what stuff is around?
  2. arc kicks out with both of his feet, hoping he connects with a head.
  3. Arc turned towards the cornicoppeia now. definitely spelled that wrong. For @Silver Phantom: Arc throws out his feet, dropping down to leave his weight in Airgid's hands, hoping to knock him down.
  4. "Hey!"Arc whispers over to Airgid and Arma. "Alliance? None of us want to risk a fight right now don't we?"
  5. Arc moves towards the shelter that was on the east side. what are those shelters on the map anyway? are the creature mannequins? I didn't really have time to read 10 pages.
  6. Arc takes his new whacky stick and searches for anyone whos at the east end of the river. is anyone there?
  7. Arc tries to snap a branch off his tree, snapping the twigs to make a little club.
  8. Arc tries to scoop water with his hands from the river to drink.
  9. "Looks like P-ORC for dinner tonight!"
  10. am I still in the games? I was inactive today so I might be out since I missed the whole thing. Is Arc still alive? EDIT : Didnt't see the reply. oops.
  11. Arc keeps moving for the eastern side of the arena thingie, scanning the forest for other people. he looks for a stick on the ground he could whack someone with.
  12. so sorry I didnt notice it had started. At the cornucopia, Arc quickly walks away, glacning over his shoulder and following the river east to that shelter. He ignores the supplies. if he see's anyone, he instantly walks the other way, hoping they'll not come after him.
  13. so basically, futinoro was destroyed by stable nightmares. A similar thing was going to happen to Kilahito when the painters assembled. why was futinoro destroyed? do we know? was something similar to nikaro and Yumi happening there?
  14. new thing : QUESTION OF THE DAY

    If you could have one surge as a radiant and one metal as a misting, which two would it be?

    I would take Gravitation so I could fly, and maybe electrum so I would know if I was about to crash and would turn a different direction than the electrum shadow said.

    also maybe just soulcasting and soothing, so you convince a person that they want to be soucasted in battle or something,

    1. Ravenclawjedi42


      Illumination and tin. I’m not sure why.

    2. The Stormfather
  15. welcome to the shard, the place of arguments about white sands and Moash.
  16. HEY!!! why are you binding me to a single Location?
  17. This update is messing with my brain.

  18. what? that's cool. could you spike a spren and turn it into a deadeye? hemalurgy is so confusing.
  19. I would want a Demoux POV, and he finds hoid and they have a fun interaction. Mistborn secret history/lost metal spoilers/Elantris/Just full cosmere. Cosmere.
  20. my friend who started reading the way of kings : Is Amaram a herald?(WHAT????? WHY?) Who is Wit? Is Syl a windspren? Wait how did Kaladin survive a highstorm?
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