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The Stormfather

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Posts posted by The Stormfather

  1. yes but has anyone bothered to check if animals have breath? I think It could possibly work.

    another way could be to convince someone you gave them fifty when you gave them twenty, and over time their cognitive aspect could come to have 50.


    thoughts work weird.

  2. chapter # whatever number i'm on now.


    willif lurched along the road to rashekin, taking another vial of iron.

    Waxillium had given him a few shots of whiskey, and rusts it was strong. How did the guy drink this?

    He pulled on a lamppost sending him far up above the road, pulling again as he swept back down.

    the town of rashekin began to come into view, the cobbled roads and one story houses feeling like something out of a storybook.

    As he landed, he walked to the front of a line of carriages entering the city, a few motorcars scattered among them.

    "Willif tekiel, here on official constabulary business."He said to the two constables at the door.

    "Got a badge, any proof of that?"one said.

    the voice sounded familiar.

    "tev!"he said.

    "Quiet. that's a kig name. call me tevide. Like the lord prelan in the words of founding."

    "odd name choice but okay."WIllif responded.

    "Tevide, There's something important here. You have to let me in."Willif began to explain.

    "The men of gold and red, have come to rashekin. 

    They have come, to the pits of hathsin."


  3. here's some new questions.

    what are two of lopen's cousins named:

    what does F-cadmium do?

    what is wax's twinborn paring called?

    what surges do elsecallers use?

    what aon means first?

    how many ribbons could kenton control in his fight with dirin?

  4. maybe you could capture animals and breed them, because no one has said that they don't have breaths.

    with some connection tricks you could let them speak in a way you understand, and get the breaths.

    still expensive.

  5. here's the rap(ish).


    so we here are supposed to

    roast all the others.

    now this should be easy.

    how to put this delicately, wayne's an idiot.

    in what world does two and two make a pickle? like this shouldn't be too hard,

    especially for the daughter of bard,

     who's got more brains than the sibling,

    who draws all their smarts from a tower.

    without a human has no power,

    and the one you chose is a storming lighteyes!

    wayne tried to eat a cummerbund he drinks during fights, he fights without guns, only focused on the funs.

    The Sibling chose the wrong side,

    picked to turn the wrong tide,

    fought for the ones who'd never died,

    and all the while,

    the dead making a pile

    the sibling made a file

    and never went an extra mile.

    wayne's hats bring up his intelligence,

    has not a scrap of elegance,

    barely speaks with relevance

    and he should be viewed with negligence.

    Eshonai out.

    (sung to the rhythm of derision.)


  6. I think what it meant when it said Ascend with a capital A was that Odium was trying to get Dalinat to ascend to the fused, as he later implies in RoW is possible, but dalinar stopped that when he started yelling and then swore the ideal.

    For Unity, I think it meant that, as lift is partially in the cognitive realm, Dalinar and the Stormfather and partialling in all three. 

    Also, another random theory, there are three main shallan personas. Is each one associated with a realm?

    for cognitive seems like veil, and in the physical realm she is shallan, so does that mean that radiant is associated with the spiritual realm? if so could she do things differently that a regualr lightweaver, as we see dalinar doing things differently than a regular bondsmith, and with my theory he is partially in the spiritual realm.

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