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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. Maj takes the machete and puts on the boots, leaving the rest for later. He stays on the beach where he can see what’s around himself, and tries to walk across the beach until he can spot a measure of shelter.
  2. As this happens, you hear a loud war horn blare and hear the distant marching of plated feet. Many plated feet. People rush about in the streets in panic, and guards race to the walls with longbows. @Dragonheir @AltonicKeys @Ancient Elantrian @J. Magi
  3. @The Bookwyrm @Dragonheir @Ancient Elantrian @Spark of Hope @I swear every single time I play in these games there's one gamemaker who I can't remember.
  4. Maj steps onto the beach, shaking water out of his hair. Bird chirps. "Yeah? What?" Chirp. Chirp. "Very helpful, Bird." Squawk. Bird pointed towards the water. Squawk. "Want me to go back?" Bird squawked loudly and in panic. "Oh, so I should stay out of the water. Thanks, Bird." Maj then makes sure to look this time into the backpack, trying not to get distracted by Bird.
  5. Maj dashed for one of the backpacks, slinging it onto his shoulder and glancing at the other tributes. (If they're still there. Or at the moment when they are there.) "There's enough for everyone, right?" He backs away, hopping back into the water. Bird, I could use some help swimming to shore. His Aviar, eloquently named Bird, reacts by giving him a small burst of strength, allowing him to hit the shallows. He stands up in the water, glancing around warily at the tributes and then to the ground below him, ensuring that no fish or creatures are near him. Then he opens the backpack.
  6. The coutdowns started. Maj stared at the other tributes, trying to gauge their moves. Will they go for the cornucopia, or will they stay safe... Hopefully this bird isn't useless. 1... The games begun. And the race was on. Maj leapt into the water, swimming at top speed for one of the kayaks. Just like Mark told you. Get something, use it as an offering to make a team. Allies are more important than supplies. People get scared away by groups. He spat out water. He had never been great at swimming, though he at least knew how to swim. His old house had been near a nice little river, before the whole world had gone insane. Then the world went insane again. And now the games were back. Everyone's insane. Including me. He finally reached the cornucopia, searching quickly for something small to grab and get out of there.
  7. "No clue. Somewhere with mountains and castles." "It's too heavy fer' me to move, and the things antlers are too wide to be goin' through me door!"
  8. "Well, there's some carrion that I didn't get to fast enough. Was planning to sell it to some hunters to set their traps, but you can take some of it if you'll help me out with something. Basically, those hunters dropped off a giant moose they felled, but I can't get the durned thing into me house!"
  9. He spots a smith and a butcher right near the gate.
  10. Yup! "Empire? Ha! No empire 'round here but the Kystrians, and that's us!"
  11. "Um don't throw the dynamite, Spark already got through the plants, I think." SF said dissapointedly.
  12. "I feel as if I have to ask why you seem to have done this before. Anyone else pick up on that? No?"
  13. "Oh, good point." "Here." SF hands him a burning torch from his backpack. "These things are fun."
  14. Eventually he leads you to another large oaken gate, which is opened by a few guards on the other side. You look into a medieval market with many vendors shouting and trying to sell wares, and many buyers trying to haggle for a better price.
  15. "We have no space for refugees and costumed maniacs!" ONe guard shouts, gesturing at the oddly dressed (For them) Nick. "Forgive him." Another guard walks up along the wall. "I believe what he means is that the main keep is too full to have you in it. The Werthryn-day celebrations have brought hundreds into our gate. You can, however, go through the western gate into the lower wards, which is where you would find you market anyway." The guard nods to another a few dozen feet away, who nods and begins walking and waves you over.
  16. As you approach the town, you see a couple medieval style plate-armored guards up on the walls near the gate holding spears. "Who goes there? Merchants or travelers, state your buisiness!" One of them calls down when you are within earshot.
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