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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. Sorry I was At a summer camp this week. I' m Back now tho. Solivar, the windrunner, Tears into the stormforms. Four fall beneath their hand. Dalat fires the storm fabrial again, hitting one of the mavset-im and killing it. Well, killing it as much as you can kill a fused. The battle rages, noow with scores dead on either side. Fused: Knife at @shardnuke Rolled a die: 4 Misses. @Aetherbound What do you do?
  2. it has pretty much the same effect, causing the fused's attack at the fabrial protector to miss. After that, @shardnuke your turn again.
  3. an fused is dropped from arrows, voidlight running out. @The Sibling is at summer camp, so I'll do their turn. The ship moves away from the fused. Enlieht's turn is next after that, and he runs inside as a knife is thrown his way. Fused #1 is dead because of the archers. Next in the turn order is the battle below The battle rages, The lighteyes officers rallying troops as a group of stormform crash into them. behind the stormforms, two mavset-im, the ones of the deep, the ones who can sink into stone, go into the ground and begin causing chaos. A soldier in the fight suddenly bursts afire with white light, shouting out: Life before death! Strength before weakness! journey before destination! A small group of sotrmform are killed by archers. Reliet: Form up! Make a landing and protect the fabrial! We need to surround those regals!" Dalat, a war artifabrian who is on the ground, Fires a storm fabrial up, swinging at one of the fused, but sadly missing. The merchant ships sail at all speed away from the battle, as the stormforms near the coast.
  4. Geometry dash has spikes. The shutting off of wifi sends Games into offline mode, sending select buttons fclying around. SPikes and lauched towards you.
  5. As you open this thread, you find yourself in an Identical computer, as you landed in my first post. You can try to hack. won't go well. Geometry dash is destroyed as minecraft flies by, spewing spikes all around.
  6. So you try to grab investiture? Investiture, random stuff, and pretty much everything is floating around. Things within your reach: An apple, a piece of investiture, and a steak knife. Also a line of code.
  7. YKYASW you are actively playing WTCC in your head at all times. "This character is fro- MENNIS!
  8. By chance of luck, you have been trapped inside a computer. YOu stand atop a pile of one's and zero's wit code and programs flying around. You see that when code hits a app or website that are floating through the void, they go inside. You feel a sense of urgency to escape the computer. You see investiture flying around as the coppermind explodes, hit by the much larger but less awesome wikipedia, and you are able to pick up items from the void, try to get investiture and become surgebinders, misting or what have you, or do whatever you want. The apps within reach are: google docs, 17th shard, and wikipedia. the "ground" shakes as the computer shudders.
  9. I'm trying to think of more cosmere puns, soooo yeah. KEVED! What was shallan saying about ann? "Shall-ann do it?" ( these are getting worse very fast) what did Adolin say when he saw shallan for the first time? "Wow! You look positively radiant!"
  10. It did work, but shanay-im have a great flying capability. It lowered their hitting probability and hits less extreme places. You lunge away from the knife, it skimming you thigh, tearing your trousers and leaving a fairly shallow cut. A big scratch, really. @shardnuke it is your turn. please post your move soon.
  11. lighting lighting the sky, the lights lightning. isn't a good ketek, good a isn't
  12. why was shallan freaking out on her wedding day? Because she lost her veil. demoux was reading rhytm of war. He saw "raboniel, lady of pains" and thought, wow she must make good bread!(French pun)
  13. `whoever runs it should need to be able to be on the shard for the next week or so.
  14. they should also be named gerald. for reasons.
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