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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. Cool! As it is the fused's turn, it draws a dagger and throws it towards Sky.(Hitting physics are odd) Please pick a number from one to six. I have assigned different things to each number. you could roll a die too. @shardnuke it is now your turn. you are sergeant, who can control the troops, and will hopefully help fight the fused. @Aetherbound could you PM me about your idea's for fabrials?I could add them into the story.
  2. welcome, maybunny, to the 17th shard. a random website of awesomeness floating in the abyss of random information we know as "the internet" (odd metaphors.)
  3. If one of the gemstones on the bottom of the fourth bridge is broken you replace in with a fresh one, coinjoin it to the wrokers in urithiru, and then all is well. sometimes when you uncoinjoin the one on the ship, there's a little jolt that could make fighting a bit interesting. @Aetherbound please give me a description of what you do or pick an action. 'tis your turn.
  4. When I told this to @The Sibling they spat out their water with laughter. how many pizzas did adonalsium order the day of their shattering? Just one. But it had sixteen peices. what do you call a fused and dalinar standing beside each other? a dead fused. what do you get when you cross vasher and kaladin? kalad the usurper in. denth said he refused to pay taxes as a mercenary. I guess he really doesn't like vasher.(tax)
  5. It would be very difficult, but I think a coinshot gasper could go through the ocean small distances. They could put a piece of metal larger than a coin on the side of a peninsula, and then push. after that they would do regular old steelpushing up at an angle. It would be much faster than walking and taking roundabout ways to get to places if you were able to cross small parts of the ocean.
  6. My idea for steelpushing was to put coins on the bottom of the “ocean”and push off, then slowly sink down. I think the scadrian part of shadesmar it would be much easier, and a pewter arm gasper could do it.
  7. I think it's odd that people are rating the book based on how much action it had. Alloy of law did not have a particularly large amount of action, but that's because most of the space has to be used to explain the new era. The new era along with introducing feruchemists commonly and new allomancy makes this one of my favourite books. The end is awesome with the huge firefight.
  8. with two coinshots you might be able to make it orbit around the earth. Both would need extensive amounts of stored sight, and mental speed. One would push it up, and another would push it away from far off in the world, making it move at a sharp diagonal. You would need probably two fullborn to do this well, and with much iron counpounding for more powerful pushes.
  9. post dumb cosmere jokes here. funny jokes are allowed, but discouraged. What's vin's favourite sword? The sword of elendil. What's ham's favourite food? ham. What is dockson's dad's name? Dock What's elend's favourite drink? wine.(In french, Vin.) What do you call vasher drinking a slushie? Kalad the uslurper. What's allrianne's favourite weather? Breezy. Post away!
  10. I was thinking about theives in shadesmar and I realized that some of the less helpful usually feruchemy can be used welll for shadesmar fighting. Imagine a twinborn, A-steel, for moving quickly, and F-cadmium, which stores breath. If they were in a fight in shadesmar, they could use coins to go through the ocean if they had stored up enough breath. Cadmium compounding would also be great for shadesmar fighting, if you have an allomantic grenade. Free movement through the ocean and being able to trap your enemies in slow time? Maybe only a full feruchemist could do it because you'd need to be strong to push through the beads, and it might hurt you with that weight on your shoulders. Maybe A pewterarm/cadmium ferring could walk across the bottom of the ocean, or a full ferruchemist using gold, pewter and cadmium. ANy thought? other Ideas for shadesmar fighting?
  11. * @shardnuke please read the previous pages if you have not.) Enlieth calls out, and the ocean begins to come into view. You see the growing field of jah keved and thaylenah below and the crashing waves of the ocean begin to sound. A large three masted merchantile ship sails across the waves. "Were escortin' this one up to Marat! 'Bout three days!"Reliet shouts. A soft cracking noise sounds far below, and you see platoons of soldiers fighting off a group of stormforms. Fused fly above. Three Shanay-im lash themselves upwards, spinning in the air and charging towards the fourth bridge. Rpg mode activating. The Battle of the thaylen coast. Turn order! @Aetherbound fused 2 @shardnuke @The Sibling Enlieth Fused 1 Reliet Dalat, a war artifabrian. fused 3 battle below. merchant ship. (Just to clarify it starts at the top and moves down for the turn order.)
  12. Dalinar would never hold up a bridge and charge at lines upon lines of archers, so why should he ask his soldier to? Armor, other than shardplate, is flawed. Arrows hit and kill with more difficulty but still would tear through their lines. They are standing up with absolutely no cover whatsoever. One Idea I had for them is that they get Dalinar and Adolin to push the bridges to speed up the chulls, while in shardplate. Arrows barely scratch shardplate, so before the main battle starts, they could move bridges and speed up the run. Another Thing they could do is have Dalinar have soldiers carry the bridges most of the way, but when arriving at the chrysalis use the better defended bridges.
  13. I think that spren bond whoever they see fits their expectations, but some coincedence happens that the bonds they make are of opposite genders. Renarin can be seen as a special case because of glys, and Dalinar practicallly made the stormfather bond him instead of another, and lopen is, well lopen. One thing is in the matter of venli and rlain, Is timbre malen or male? and is whoever rlains hopefully going to bond have a human gender or a singer gender.
  14. (Maybe Jasnah figured out transportation. Or you've got a thing.) "Ah!"Enlieth jumps as Lapen appears. (A general rule of the shard, no double posting.) did you read your troop numbers? Reliet walks over to Lapen. "Here's your box. All of you get a box. A sergeant uniform, with a hat. A fabrial that makes your voice louder to order your soldiers. A blue chit of admittance to the armory.
  15. You never even read the 5th one. And that's the best one. YKYASW you spend an hour making boxes filled with drawings and quotes from stormlight archive for absolutely no idea.
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