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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. did shardnuke say they wanted to be sergeant? Enlieth tells the soldiers that they might not have a commander.
  2. The merchant’s you are protecting are on water. Reliet grabs a spyglass and begins scanning the horizon and jumps when jiuo, the ship’s 3rd ideal Windrunner. ”do we have a sergeant here?” he asks
  3. when you see black panther and immediately go " bridge four!"
  4. Ok. but if breaths can't be created at some point would people be born as drabs?
  5. yeah. but alos people can''t sense how many breaths they have. they know what heightening, and if they were in shadesmar, they might be able to multiply breaths unintentionnally.
  6. i think that azure's blade could either be a corrupted spren shardblade, like glys, who was there during the recreance and died, or azure trying to create nightblood and maybe using "steal, or take" as a command.
  7. yes but has anyone bothered to check if animals have breath? I think It could possibly work. another way could be to convince someone you gave them fifty when you gave them twenty, and over time their cognitive aspect could come to have 50. maybe. thoughts work weird.
  8. welcome to the shard!

    there's lot's of fun stuff around here, like role-plays, forum games.

    you should check out cosmere character roast battles. We've been trying to revive the thread.

    also you should check out a dying role-play called the fourth bridge's crew rp(g)

    tons of fun stuff around here.

    also hundred of theories on how iron feruchemy works. seriously hundreds

    you should check out the fan fiction section, especially waynes legacy, a small sequel to mistborn era 2.

  9. here's some new questions. what are two of lopen's cousins named: what does F-cadmium do? what is wax's twinborn paring called? what surges do elsecallers use? what aon means first? how many ribbons could kenton control in his fight with dirin?
  10. maybe you could capture animals and breed them, because no one has said that they don't have breaths. with some connection tricks you could let them speak in a way you understand, and get the breaths. still expensive.
  11. enlieth jumps when rvlit appears, than realizes it's them. reliet looks towards rvlit and gestures towards the side of the ship. "we need to talk."
  12. no because I was right behind you as you made the other half. and the questions you wrote were all the easy ones.
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