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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. everyone join cosmere character roast battle tournaments!

  2. I think what it meant when it said Ascend with a capital A was that Odium was trying to get Dalinat to ascend to the fused, as he later implies in RoW is possible, but dalinar stopped that when he started yelling and then swore the ideal. For Unity, I think it meant that, as lift is partially in the cognitive realm, Dalinar and the Stormfather and partialling in all three. Also, another random theory, there are three main shallan personas. Is each one associated with a realm? for cognitive seems like veil, and in the physical realm she is shallan, so does that mean that radiant is associated with the spiritual realm? if so could she do things differently that a regualr lightweaver, as we see dalinar doing things differently than a regular bondsmith, and with my theory he is partially in the spiritual realm.
  3. one sphere of antivoidlight made an explosion to blow up a room that was medium sized. the average hotel room in the US is 28 square meters. perhaps the lab was that sized. if so, then to blow up ottawa, which is 2780 km squared, it would take, around 100 million spheres of voidlight to destroy ottawa, including the fr outskirts. if I did the math right, which I probably didn't
  4. yes please join! pick one of the combat roles, preferably not helmperson cuz we already have one in @The Sibling.you can be a chef. By the way for people joining we have windrunners who fly them to the ship. Because why not? so yay! new joiner! Anyhoo. Enlieth steps out of his room, rubbing is arm uncorfortably and then going to the bow of the ship. "All get to position! We're nearing the ship! ten minutes!"He shouts loudly, causing reliet to jump. "AYe! up and ready ye storming lazy lumps!"reliet yells
  5. but we do have a choice. nomad does not have a choice. give us the choice. and join cosmere roast battle plz.
  6. you put dramaqueen twice on there. I am doing my bestest right now to come up wit roasts, and I'm not doing well.
  7. *takes deep breath* if you had to fight kaladin with one weapon that's not a gun what would it be? Cna you do a cartwheel? do you have a hamster? save either:renarin jasnah or navani. do you often post in rp(s) do you play dnd? how many Breaths does it take to inflate a lifeless hamster? do you like cacti? are you sure? are you sure your sure? have you played pokemon? how many pancakes do you eat monthly? have you ever thrown up at something wayne said?
  8. we have a choice our choice means something.
  9. Arrest all those who beleive this thread is an rp. also check out the cosmere roast battle thread! The police offficer says cheerily and my fan fiction, wayne's legacy! als ojoin my new rp, or my old one, the DNDesolation, and the foruth bridge's crew. (Advertisement for near dead threads.)
  10. I just keep my pfp as the double eye of the almighty and the radiants because I like the symbol so much.
  11. have decided to be eshonai, and taking a wild guess and say the silbing wants to be the sibling. also i will try to post so this doesn't die. and with @The Sibling we can keep it at the top of forums games and random stuff.
  12. I gotta pay better attention to the updates.
  13. I think a stoneward can beat things if they have a lot of stormlight, but when venli talked to the stone in rhythm of war it took a whole pouch of spheres.
  14. Those answers are almost great as that one time wayne made me throw up with laughter.
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