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The Stormfather

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Posts posted by The Stormfather

  1. 11 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

    It doesn’t work, and after a little longer of flailing, it tries to pull him into the mud.

    He grasps for a stick or a rock to hit the mud octopus with. He struggles and tries to plant his feet in a way that the pulling will be slowed. He almost shouts for help, but realizes that in the hunger games, that would be not very smart. "Let go, you stupid fish." (He barely recognizes it as an octopus.) "Let. Go. Stupid. Fish."

  2. This is a new RP idea I came up with completely on a whim.

    Basically, there's a group of characters who find themselves in a random place that they don't recognize. This place could have magic, be futuristic, or anything. After a while, they teleport into another random place. The characters have no idea what's going on, they just keep teleporting. That's the main plot, but (because it would be boring if there wasn't) There's going to be some elaborate mysteries and conspiracies because why not.

    Another thing, the characters can be from many time period and any world, can be magical (Don't go too OP, but can be powerful,) and can even have stuff you invented! They appear with only clothes and some basic supplies, such as a wand for a wizard, armor for a knight, laser gun for a futuristic soldier, etc...

    They can be related or know each other, or not. The basis of this part is to have funny interactions between victorian era kinghts and something akin to stormtroopers. (That seems hilarious.)

    Character sheet


    Name :

    Age :

    Gender :

    Time period


    Starting supplies

    Homeworld : ( ie : Earth, Toril, Mars, Scadrial, Coruscant, etc...)


    Anything else to add because I feel like there's probably more stuff on this character sheet

    Anyone who wants to help run this RP, PM me. For what the side plots are going to be like, having two GM's would make it much more fun.

    I can't think of anything else to add...

    Beware of violence that will probably occur. 

    remember, your characters have no idea what's going on, they just appeared. (Another thing, they don't remember perfectly what happened right before, but remember most things perfectly, just not the 10 minutes before the teleportation.)

    I think I'll start the actual Rping on June 2nd, for about a  week of sign-ups? People can join after it starts as well.

    (You'll probably teleport around 1-2 times a week, depending on how fast it goes.)

  3. 1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:

    It tastes absolutely foul, though there’s no way of knowing if it’s because 

    A, it’s covered in mud.

    B, it’s uncooked.

    C, it’s still alive?! Maybe think about that before trying to eat something?!

    Or D, it’s actively trying to kill him.



    To be fair, Mark hasn't eaten. He's REALLY hungry.

    Mark grabs the tentacle and tries to wriggle himself free.

  4. 1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:

    It seems to get even angrier, waving him about wildly.

    Mark grabs at the tentacle and yanks it away from his ankle, trying to stand. He stomps his other foot down on one tentacle. He also stops burning brass to conserve it.

  5. 1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:

    At first, it seems to just be mud. And more mud. And more mud. Then he starts to see something that looks like a tuber…as he reaches for it, though, it shoots out and grabs him around the ankle.


    Mark slams his fist down on the tentacle-thing. "Roy! Help!" @RoyalBeeMage

    He downs his vial of brass and flares it as high as it can go, trying to soothe away any anger or hunger within the octopus. (Does soothing even work on animals?)

  6. 16 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

    It’s not hard; there’s mud and puddles all around.

    Mark looks around for the cleanest looking one (Least amount of mud) and scoops it into his mouth, ignoring the fact that he might get sick from it. "Roy, this water's not too bad!"

  7. 1 hour ago, Edema Rue said:

    It's been a couple of days, so if you haven't eaten, you're feeling it.


    Mark looks around at the plants and various activated spores to try and spot something edible. (He doesn't know you can eat verdant.) He also tries to locate a puddle for water, but he doesn't walk far.

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