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The Stormfather

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Everything posted by The Stormfather

  1. The Stormfather continues to stand off to the side in moderate silence, muttering to himself. After a few minutes, he begins integrating himself into the group and helping to build the fire. He quickly realizes, however, that there are enough people working on that for him to not need to help, and begins walking in a random direction that might lead him to a trail to the top. @Through The Living Glass What does he find?
  2. The storm begins to fade, and everything starts to clear up. You can see that far down the mountain below you is a large medieval castle at the center of a fairly large town, probably of around two to three thousand people.
  3. The quasi-xenosuit and the glasses stayed behind. Everyone... Meryyn's voice sounds up above. Grim. I- I couldn't stop him. But I can give you a shot. One chance. The roster of teleports was left open to additions to the viewer. I snuck one in. My father was always terrible at making internet firewalls. I got right through, adding it to the new set of places. It should be soon. Get some rest, tend your wounds, and prepare yourself. The machine that he has... The general populace don't see the risks. They don't care for other dimensions. But I... Well, I've always been a bit different. Should be two or three more teleports until... Until you arrive. Here. But first, well, turns out when my father was punishing me for talking to you the first time, he set something inside me. He threatened to send me over to you if I disobeyed again. Put me in the cycle of teleportation. Turns out, there's some neat things you can do when there's a piece of raw transportation energy in your back. He shouldn't be able to find me here. At least, if he doesn't have the same abilities. Anyways, be ready to fight. You're coming over here. @Dragonheir @Ancient Elantrian @J. Magi @AltonicKeys
  4. Ah yes, but that was before my arrival into the games. So I have no idea how good it was. Because I wasn't there. (Also I would like a moment of silence for the forest burned down during Threnodite.)
  5. The Stormfather was rereading warriors for the thousanth time when... Flash of time, flop to ground, yadda yadda you've seen like five posts like this before you get the gist. He stays silent for the entire conversation about backpacks, realizing he has a navy blue one on his shoulders. "I swear, if I've somehow gone to Nianyaku..." (Realm of chaos in my fantasy novel.)
  6. The Magmarak dies, and you appear beside the others in their little ice/crystal dome that is holding steadily against the storm. Ha! You owe me 450! He survived! A new voice says. The Magmarak's saliva is successfully contained, but is losing its heat fairly quickly.
  7. I will... try... I'm really busy right now and I've completely had to forgo participating in the pokemon RP, so I might not be posting much and just thinking on my own on the puzzles during my free time. I dunno. School starting made me have a lot less free time.
  8. The saliva seems like a combination of seemingly random elements, ones that can't really work in a way to form this thing's saliva. Somehow, SIMON picks up traces of gold, silver, tungsten, uranium, oxygen and a large quantity of titanium. Clearly, this thing is made of something that your sensors can't understand. After a few moments, the analysis turns to 'unknown' (Let's call the element MissingNo) SIMON does however notice the structure of the saliva and can realize that the heat coming from it is coming not from the intense movement of the atoms, but, somehow, from something else. (If your confused I don't blame you, but also you're on a fantasy world.) SIMON can guess that regular cooling systems would probably work, and can (I think SIMON has the capabilities to do this) Find a formation of elements that would most likely make a sort of reflection panel that would probably block it. You also notice traces of yellow energy beginning to gather. Slowly, so you probably have to stay at most another minute. The Magmarak stumbles and tries ineffectively to charge at Nick. The building holds as the wind picks up.
  9. The Magmarak, wounded, tries its best to spray it's lava-like saliva over Nick, hitting him on the side and arm a bit, but not much. (Also probably somewhat blocked by the suit.)
  10. The Magmarak roars out in pain, stumbling and slowing down as it's blood spilt out across the ground. Slower that before, it charged, ignoring it's fatal wound for the moment. It would probably bleed out within the minute.
  11. I can do one, but I was kinda ending Mark’s arc (Heheheh funny) with the end of the whole fight.
  12. The lightsaber goes straight through it, as it would most things, and blood begins to flow out. The blood is the same orange tinge as the saliva, and clearly just as dangerous. (The blood comes out even if it would have cauterized the wound, because it's so resistant to the heat that would dry the blood but not the actual energy within the blade.)
  13. The creature you charge at appears like a boar, except for a few major differences. First and foremost, the very skin of it seemed made of ash, with two obsidian tusks like daggers. And the eyes. Two piercing red eyes like the molten stone around it. It grunted, spraying orange saliva across the ground. The bits of saliva hissed and began to melt into the stone ground. Clearly this thing was not one to be trifled with. It stamped one of it's feet, readying itself for a charge of its own. One of the guards lifts his spears and hurls it towards the creature, shouting something along the lines of 'Die, Magmarak!' The spear cracks against it's right flank, leaving a scrape in the ash which you realize is not the thing's skin itself, but a coating around it. It's true fur is reddish brown, like some regular boar. The other pulls a small horn off of his belt and blows it, and it echoes through the tunnels. It is responded by a lower note, from a similar horn. The Magmarak grunted again and charged Nick. It moved quickly and shockingly quietly, but clumsily. You don't understand the power he holds. Oh... Oh no... Meryyn groans. He's coming. Survive. I may be able to get you all to appear here. But for now I need to focus on my own survival. Bang! You hear a single gunshot. Then silence. Save for the gathering storm.
  14. This. Do you think this is fair? What's to stop him from keeping going? Grabbing more and more people into this loop, trapping dozens to scavenge other worlds and bring all of the others possessions back for him? What's to stop him from conquering more and more until there's nothing left?
  15. Yellow energy gathers around you, faster than in has before. In a few moments, it blinds you to the point of headache and begins to fade. Survive, all of you. You need to stop him. You hear Meryyn's whispered voice. And you appear up on the peak of a mountain on a small lookout. In the distance coming towards you is a rolling thunderstorm. Without Nick. @J. Magi @Ancient Elantrian @AltonicKeys
  16. Over on the volcano land, the ground begins to rumble. Hot lava begins flowing down the side of the volcano, spilling onto the newly diamond gate. But something is off about the lava. The diamonds themselves seem to be melting. (Its possible I looked it up.) Something is not right about this lava. Somethign is impossible about it. Something is.... magical. Also Nick can notice that the apparently normal iron holds up against it perfectly fine, and the diamond doesn't, so clearly the iron gate is not, in fact, normal iron. The two gray-people again ready their spears, but not towards Nick. Towards the gate, where you can hear a sort of groaning and snorting, like that of a pig. And as lava melts through the diamond, something slams against the gate. @Dragonheir
  17. The gray-people gawk as a patch of diamond appears in their iron gate, and one of them kneels and says "Araki-Yerthis, Inem." You can't parse the sentence, and it has a different tone and sound to the language they were previously speaking. The other lowers his spear but still seems suspiscious.
  18. The gate rusts. Very quickly, so quickly that a hole forms in the center. You see two human-like but 6'7 forms with gray skin holding primitive stone-headed spears. They speak in a language that is simple and brutish, one that SIMON can put together their meaning pretty well. "Why did you break the gate? You've killed us all!" They seem incredibly panicked. They say something about a creature called the Magmarak, and curse at you.
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