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Weaver of Lies

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Weaver of Lies last won the day on December 5 2023

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About Weaver of Lies

  • Birthday July 10

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    Brandon Sanderson books, writing books, video games, band, soccer.

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  1. This is my rant for tonight:


    I’m storming tired. So why won’t I let myself go to sleep? I’m not going to do anything tonight, no matter how much I should. I know I should get some sleep, I know I need it. So why won’t I, why can’t I?

    I think it’s maybe to prolong the inevitable. I’m going to have to wake up early tomorrow, like almost every school day. My day will be filled with boring, yet exhausting, school, then I’ll get physically tired at track. I’ll be dealing with the stresses of things I know I need to do but don’t. I’m going to have to try to interact with people, which I’m terrible at. I’m going to try to plan for prom after a wrench got thrown into my previous plans because of past mistakes I’d almost thought I had moved passed, that I was finally starting to make peace with.

    So I stay awake late into the night, trying to stop all this. But I can’t. It’s going to come.

    I guess I might as well try to be a little better rested then. We’ll see if I can make myself try to sleep.

    Goodnight, hopefully.

    1. WhyEverNot_8


      Dude, I feel ya. I couldn’t sleep last night either.

      Let us know if you need something.

    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Hope things work out man

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