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SmilingPanda19 last won the day on January 10

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About SmilingPanda19

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  • Member Title
    76 days since the first 'I love you' and I'm loving every minute
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    Next to Just-A-Stick in a Walmart dumpster
  • Interests
    The Hunger Games
    Playing videogames
    Anything having to do with Studio C (OLD CAST) JK Studios, or Freelancers
    ✨ Musicals ✨
    Theatre is life!
    Annoying Thaidakar The Ghostblood
    Lore Olympus
    Overalls, Boots, and Flannel
    Sushi and Boba
    EPIC: the musical
    American Sign Language
    Middle Schoolers! (The funniest people alive)
    Role playing
    Rock and Pop music
    Small Artists
    The Wingfeather Saga
    Greek Myths
    Did I mention Thaid?

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  1. “Hey, y’all, it’s me! Thaidakar! 
    It’s been so long… I love you guys. Idk what else really to say beyond that. That’s really why I’m writing this. 
    Since it’s me writing this, there’s only one thing I can do. And that’s type up a bunch of things with several different endings. *passes around jars of Root* this is gonna be a long one.

    I’m proud of you, I’m proud of how far you’ve come.I wish I could’ve been there to help out. You’re amazing. All of you are amazing and just wonderful people who I’ve had the pleasure of being among before. I’m lucky to have even come in contact with all of you (yes, even you.) I want to see you grow and change into the best version of yourself you can be, but I can’t. The world is rough and it’s hard and we can’t always have what we want. When it’s all said and done, I hope that you can raise your glass and say, like the song, “I lived.” Through all the pains, through all the joys, be yourself. Follow who you are.
    Oh I love you guys… I want to talk to y’all, jokes around, share the rough times and the good times. It all boils down to that, I guess.

    A couple things about my life. I’m still working on my book. It’s gone in a couple revolutions, and I’m still figuring out how the heck one does this writing thing. It’s been fun to figure out. I went to Trek and High Adventure. I learned a lot at those. I changed clubs. I reorganized my bookshelves a couple times. I missed y’all. OH IM ALSO ANGRY AT BRANDON FOR MAKING THE BALL EIGHTEEN PLUS. WHYYYY.

    Mods, I just want to say… thank you. Thank you for dealing with my stupidity over the past few years. I don’t think anyone could’ve done much better than what y’all have done. I respect y’all immensely.

    Y’all are awesome people, all of you on the Shard. I miss you guys. I’ll see you around, I guess. Maybe I’ll stop by Dragonsteel one of these years. Get to say hi. 

    A few specific messages. 

    @Edema Rue whatever her username me is, you lost the game. Officially. And you’re a nerd. So take that!

    @Aeoryiyou’re pretty cool. We’ve argued before, but you’re a cool person. You got this, even if you don’t think so.

    @Archie I can’t begin to say how much our conversations have helped me change how I look at the world for the better. You’ve helped me so much in ways you haven’t seen. You’re an awesome guy and I hope you have a great life.

    @Chaos I want to punch you. Not because of what you might think. No, cause you’ve hyped me up so much for Ba Ado Mishram on shard cast that im almost definitely gonna be disappointed that WaT isn’t like a sole pov full flashback story about her and Shallan. Know that it’s your fault when I send an angry letter ti Brandon asking for more Mishram.

    @Kajsa you’re super good at singing and drawing and like everything. You’re awesome. Just know that. K? 

    @missionary sharders whether on the shard or not, Y’all are my people. When y’all finish y’all’s missions  and have conveted whole cities, I ain’t gonna be surprised.

    tlt you’re like my child. @The Nameless Oneyou better take care of my plot child. XD you’re also awesome, btw. You’re an amazing writer who I’ve had the pleasure of writing with for the past few years. I love our characters interactions. We both understand the lore and it’s fun to see how they all play off around.

    @Just-A-Stick whatever. I win btw. You’re pretty cool I guess… YOU DO MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY TOO REMEMBER THAT.

    @Robin Sedaiyou’re like amazing. You have my vote for president even though you’re not in the US. I win btw. Calvin and Hobbes is frickin amazing.

    @Ancient Elantrianyou’ve lost the game, I’m afraid.

    @Shardwatcher01you’re a good person, really cool and awesome. Do me a favor and remember that. *hugs*

    @TwinSoulsI lied btw. Take that as you will. *winks* you’re awesome.

    @Mediumyou’re really cool. Btw you’re going to the same school as my cousin so if a rando comes up to you and says that some guy says hi, it isn’t the Italian mafia. It’s the Ghostbloods. Also you’re music is actually great.

    @Boomerang Guy*chortles waffles* mate, start that up again- it’s golden.

    @emulationstromenkin QUARK

    And, to settle an old score…
    Pineapple on pizza is oookaaaaayyy I guuuueeeeesssssss. Harrumph.

    I should, before I say goodbye, mention something. I’m not in a relationship ish thing. Not at all. I’m not in love. That’s impossible, after all. And, most of all, I definitely have never said “I love you” to one person in specific. And, even if I did, I wouldn’t have said it like every day. Pfft, I’d never do that. (I love you too Mr. Black Sock, Mr. Almost Boyfriend - Panda) 

    And now… it’s time to say goodbye again. I’ve changed so much, and so have y’all. When things start to go rough, remember there’s a twisted writer who knows you can get through, even if you don’t.
    Y’all are amazing.
    It’s time to go.
    *tips overly large hat* (don’t think I forgot you, @Mr Misting 
    Don’t die without me
    From the one, the only, the ridiculous, the Ghostblood, 
    Thaidakar the moth-(this program has been interrupted for a brief message from our sponsor. Root. When life gets you down, Root gets you flying! Try Root today for the quick price of imagination. And your kidneys. And your liver. It’s the quenchiest!)-ra kaiju! 

    P.S. if you hacked me, and you know who you are, then realize that doing that is kinda illegal. Just putting that out there.

    P.P.S. Hoid for president

    P.P.P.S. I swear this is the last one. You are amazing, whoever you are reading this.”

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. SmilingPanda19
    3. Ancient Elantrian

      Ancient Elantrian

      You had to make that the one thing addressed to me.

      I love you too.

      And you also lose the game.

    4. AonEne


      Hey all. I genuinely don't want to come across as the mean mod swooping down to ruin everyone's fun here. It's fine that people are friends (or not-partners, as it were ;P) and understandable that you want to stay in contact! I'm not here to discourage you from having those relationships.

      However, I do have to say that it would be best to exchange contact information or set up a group chat somewhere else. When we ban someone, it's because we no longer feel comfortable hosting them on our platform. If they continue communicating here through someone else, even if it's not on a regular basis, that defeats the point. Even if the content of an individual message does not directly break our rules, it's still coming from a person who, due to previous actions, lost the privilege to speak here.

      It might be annoying to have to exchange numbers or emails or find a different website to talk and hang out with Thaidakar, but isn't it also annoying to pass messages back and forth like this, instead of just talking normally whenever you feel like it? Even if you find it worth the hassle, there are other ways.

      No one is in trouble here! But from here on out we're encouraging you to communicate with Thaidakar or any other banned friends somewhere that isn't the Shard. (You can pass on contact info or preferences on other online spaces for logistical purposes.)

      The kind words are appreciated, Thaidakar.

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