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ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ last won the day on February 3

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About ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ

  • Birthday September 13

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    Sandersinger member
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    “The foolishness of men who care, and the wisdom of those who do not. Both opposing the last— the single distrust of all who are foolish in the beginning, in the deafness of the latter, the ones that fill themselves concretely, as if a dignity could be ignored, of hatred. For the first can not draw themselves together as the last is in foolishness. And yet as they do, the first only can thrive as the last does, until it does not, they lose their own foolishness, depending all their hope, on the second. Embraced as the first branches from them, in a circle, perfect, yet ripping the very fabric apart, piece by piece, second, by second, everlasting in misery.”

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  1. What are some of y’all’s greatest fears?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      my turn to get existential:

      That I don't truly exist.

      That I'm just the 'side character' that makes life more realistic for everyone else. That I have no impact, no say on life or the world. That one day I'll wake up and realize that it wouldn't matter if I just disappeared. Because I'm not really human, I never was. Just some ghostly parasite watching through world go by through someone else's body. And I'll never truly know what living is like, how could I? And I'll never be happy because I'm not human, that's a human thing. I'm a robot, or something with consciousness but no soul, no personality, no identity. I'm all alone in a universe of living people. Desperately trying to copy their mannerisms and behaviors so I can be one of them.


      Gotta love religion helping you out of your existential crises.

      so true lol

    3. Morningtide


      People I love dying

      Losing everything

      Going blind and deaf

      Also mushrooms. Not really a fear, but I get that weird creepy-crawly feeling with odd mushrooms. Not the cute ones, I love those, but like the fungus ones that grow really fast and don't look cute or cool, just gross. *Shudder*

    4. Aeoryi


      My deepest fear is not having relevance in the grand scheme of time, in essence nihilism, and also becoming a worse person than I realize

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