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Silver Phantom

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Silver Phantom last won the day on March 10

Silver Phantom had the most liked content!

About Silver Phantom

  • Birthday 02/03/2003

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    A platypus?
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  • Interests
    Brandon Sanderson (shocker!), Warhammer, Harry Potter, Science, Taylor Swift, Superhero’s, anything nerdy, Charity work, outdoors, Cosplay.

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  1. Just ordered my first part of my costume for dragon steel 2024. Will show y’all when it gets here also I have found a really good comic book. Speciality @Edema Rue @Kajsa I think you guys would like it but I would recommend this to anyone. Its called Gotham Academy and it a fun comic that is set in Gotham but doesn’t focus on batman or superhero’s. Heres the cover and the inside cover of the Trade paper back version 




    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      OoOoooo, I’ll look into it!!

      And I’m excited to see your costume, what are you doing?

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