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Silver Phantom

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Silver Phantom last won the day on March 10

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About Silver Phantom

  • Birthday 02/03/2003

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    A platypus?
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    Brandon Sanderson (shocker!), Warhammer, Harry Potter, Science, Taylor Swift, Superhero’s, anything nerdy, Charity work, outdoors, Cosplay.

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  1. I just wanted to check in on every one, but specifically @Shardwatcher01 and @Edema Rue, there were over 150 car crashes last night in the salt lake area alone and I know you guys are in Utah. Just hopping yall are right. Along with everyone else. Please drive safe

    1. The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      Dang what happened over there

      did the Mormons start drinking 

    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Na we didn’t. We apparently just don’t know how to drive in snow

    3. The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      The Paradoxical Phenomenon


      (yeah I don’t think we’d start drinking in a million years)

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