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Silver Phantom

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Silver Phantom last won the day on March 10

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About Silver Phantom

  • Birthday 02/03/2003

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    A platypus?
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  • Interests
    Brandon Sanderson (shocker!), Warhammer, Harry Potter, Science, Taylor Swift, Superhero’s, anything nerdy, Charity work, outdoors, Cosplay.

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  1. Have you guys ever had inspiration hit you like a ton of bricks. That what happened to me just a little while ago. I was working on the The Lopen miniature and was painting his shirt when all of a sudden I got an amazing idea for what to do with the Hoid miniature. I am not going to spoil it, but I am now more excited to paint the Hoid miniature then I am any other miniature. My only hint, is I am going to need to figure out how to make molding putty look like cloth

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