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Silver Phantom

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Silver Phantom last won the day on March 10

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About Silver Phantom

  • Birthday 02/03/2003

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    A platypus?
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    Brandon Sanderson (shocker!), Warhammer, Harry Potter, Science, Taylor Swift, Superhero’s, anything nerdy, Charity work, outdoors, Cosplay.

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  1. My Dog died. I haven’t cried this hard in over a year.

    I am worried for my parents. My Dad insisted on being with him when he passed, and my Mom refused to let my Dad be alone when it happened. So they are both are not doing great. I am also worried for our cat George. For what ever reason when we got George as a kitten he latched onto our dog. He always wanted to sleep next to him (even though the dog rarely did) and George would even wait till he was asleep and then sneak up next to him so he wouldn’t notice.

    He was old, over 12. It was his time though, so I guess that’s some comfort. I won’t go into detail but he was in almost constant pain and there was nothing we could do for him. So we gave him one last good day. They took him on a walk, through the McDonald drive through with the windows rolled down so he could say hi to the people at the window. Then he went to the vet just a few hours ago.

    I am 21, he has been around for more than half my life. What really sucks is I didn’t get to say goodbye. My parents moved to Washington two years ago and it was to expensive to fly me up last minute to say goodbye. So we FaceTime last night and I said goodbye over the phone.

    It really hit me after that. I just went to my room and started to listen to any song I could fine about loosing your dog. You can guess how well that went. I  then continued to spiral by starting to write my own song about loosing my dog in my head. And no, I do not have any skill or training in song writing.

    So, for the last time. Good bye Chance, you where a good boy 




    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      rip the goodest boy ever

      i hope you and your parents can make it through this. Prayers are being sent your way.

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      I’m so sorry. I know of few things as terrible as losing your dog. Losing the one that loves you no matter what, the creature that’s your best friend…I had a dog named Ender. He was the only thing that got me through quarantine. *more hugs* if you need to talk, I’m here. 

    3. Cash67


      That hurts, and I am really sorry. Know we are here for you. 

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