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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. I finally got my Grandad to start Way of Kings

    Here he is about 15 minutes in



    And here he is about 50 minutes in




    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I love getting extended family into this stuff.

      My mom's side of the family all read The Way of Kings for a family book club. Most of them finished. So that was cool.

  2. Thanks Eddie and @clag222 Teft is fun to paint. Can’t wait to see yours
  3. I finally finished Eshonai!! Thank you to @clag222 for giving my the inspiration I needed to continue. Also your other mini’s are looking amazing This has been one of my favorites to paint, even though I am not totally happy with how it came out. I love the detail an d the pose of Eshonai and the movement of here cape is beautiful. I did try to do the marbling of her skin and now it kind of looks like she has a mustache but I tired my best. I am not done with the base, but I am not focusing on those right now. I will go back to finish them later the paints I used are Mechanicus Standard Grey for the base and face. Xereus Purple for the base coat of the armor, then a highlight of genestealer purple, and another highlight of leadbelcher. The cape is Korn red base, with a blood angels red contrast for depth, and a Mephistopheles red highlight, and a very light evil sunz scarlet highlight. The sword is leadelcher for the metallic part, abbaddon black for the black part, and temple guard blue for the gem. The carapace is evil sunz scarlet. I also painted this guy He’s not Cosmere, just a DnD model but I really liked how he came out
  4. Finally got into a DnD group! I have been trying to find one for what feels like forever now and last Saturday I did. I am playing a Paladin for the first time and it’s great, hopefully won’t die immediately. I also will be posting new photo tomorrow, to my paint thread, for the first time in like a month and a half. 

  5. I will always love Andrew Garfield. I also want him to play Wayne if a movie of Allow of Law is made
  6. Great to have you @dreamgor, can’t wait to hear that theory
  7. I been feeling down today. One thing that helps me is listening to sad music while exercising. I guess it helps me process ore something. But I also need to add in one of my hype songs like every 5th song to balance it out. If any of you need some song to either cry to of get hyped as the storm it self let me know

    I also just so Fall Guy today, and I loved it. Its a really sweet movie and would highly recommend it

  8. I used to have one of these as a kid so when I found one at a garage sale and had to buy it. Been great listening to music again like this.



    If a single one of you call me old I will find you

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      all of you are old men

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Eddie, I'm pretty sure you're older than me-

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Shhhh there’s no way

      I’m only like 4000 years old

  9. I am tired. Really tired. I am tired of trying everything I can and feeling like I am in the same place. I am tired of knowing that on some level I am lying to myself about doing everything I can. I am tired of looking around and see happy people when all I want to do is scream. I am tired of hanging out with friends and feeling good, truly feeling good and thinking to myself “maybe tonight will be different. Maybe tonight my mind wont wonder into the darkness.” I am tired of my mind wondering into the darkness anyway. I am tired of committing to stop procrastinating, actually stop procrastinating, feeling better about not procrastinating and doing the things I need to get down and the hobbies I love, and then going back to procrastinating. I am tired of not being happy with who I am, and yet feeling that I am so close to being who I want to be. I feel accomplished and proud of who i am. And yet there are those parts. The parts I am scared of. The parts that come out late at night, or when I miss a day of medication or when I get into an argument with someone who’s an idiot and I just want to scream. 

    I am tired of being one step away from happiness 


    Sorry about that but it’s been a ruff week. The main thing is that there has been a problem with my pharmacist so I went a few days with out my ADHD meds, and then right when I got that figured out there was another problem so I had to go a few day without my depression meds sooo… Things have been tuff.

    But on the bright side I discover like my new favorite Pokemon and it has gotten me back into Pokemon after like 4 years of nothing. If y’all want to see a great Pokemon look up Tinkaton

    also new Markiplier video 🥳


  10. Happy birthday 

    1. Mr. Misting

      Mr. Misting

      Thank you much!

  11. Happy Mother’s Day everyone. Hope y’all have a good day


    As some of you may know the dragonsteel 2024 website had some issues and kept booting us off so we couldn’t get a single ticket. I hope y'all did manage to get some.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      ...You know someone from the company, @Edema Rue?

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I know Brandon Sanderson’s sister in law, who runs a lot of it, so, uh, you could say that…

      It’s kind of funny, I was sending her a text earlier today and then got on the shard after and was like “huh, someone smarter than me could make a meme about this”

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      I know someone who knows someone who’s related to Peter ahlstro

  13. Dragonsteel Nexus tickets open tomorrow!!!!




    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      ... I'm probably going to be on my mission...

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Bro, I wish I could go this year. Def next year though.

  14. Happy free comic book day and happy star wars day everyone. Because those two holidays just happened to line up this year and since the next time that happens wont be till 2030 and the last time they lined up like that was 2019  this is the nerdiest day for the day of the is decade. Bask in the glory friends. 

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Huzzah! The nerds shall rise!

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      You guys have fun with that :D

  15. Good morning everyone. As y’all now, this Saturday is May fourth also known as Star Wars day. But what some of you may not know is that since it is the first Saturday of May, it is also free comic book day.

    So if you are into comics or what to be, head to your local comic shop and pick up a free comic. This year there are a lot of good choices and I hope all of you take this opportunity to pick on up.


  16. Wait… If a beaver got turned into a vampire would their teeth look like this?



    Or this?




    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      The second most likely.

  17. Dragon Steel 2024 ticket price announcement!!! And only one week till they go on sale. Hope to see y'all there

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I’ll be there!!

      I’m hoping to cosplay, but we’ll see…it’ll depend on a few things :P 

  18. My Dog died. I haven’t cried this hard in over a year.

    I am worried for my parents. My Dad insisted on being with him when he passed, and my Mom refused to let my Dad be alone when it happened. So they are both are not doing great. I am also worried for our cat George. For what ever reason when we got George as a kitten he latched onto our dog. He always wanted to sleep next to him (even though the dog rarely did) and George would even wait till he was asleep and then sneak up next to him so he wouldn’t notice.

    He was old, over 12. It was his time though, so I guess that’s some comfort. I won’t go into detail but he was in almost constant pain and there was nothing we could do for him. So we gave him one last good day. They took him on a walk, through the McDonald drive through with the windows rolled down so he could say hi to the people at the window. Then he went to the vet just a few hours ago.

    I am 21, he has been around for more than half my life. What really sucks is I didn’t get to say goodbye. My parents moved to Washington two years ago and it was to expensive to fly me up last minute to say goodbye. So we FaceTime last night and I said goodbye over the phone.

    It really hit me after that. I just went to my room and started to listen to any song I could fine about loosing your dog. You can guess how well that went. I  then continued to spiral by starting to write my own song about loosing my dog in my head. And no, I do not have any skill or training in song writing.

    So, for the last time. Good bye Chance, you where a good boy 




    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      rip the goodest boy ever

      i hope you and your parents can make it through this. Prayers are being sent your way.

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      I’m so sorry. I know of few things as terrible as losing your dog. Losing the one that loves you no matter what, the creature that’s your best friend…I had a dog named Ender. He was the only thing that got me through quarantine. *more hugs* if you need to talk, I’m here. 

    3. Cash67


      That hurts, and I am really sorry. Know we are here for you. 

  19. Yes, I am aware it was been over a months, but here is finally another miniature, I give you Rlain I will be trying to do better with painting more regularly. And am going to try to get a real camera so the photo doesn’t suck. Anyway I hope y’all enjoy it.
  20. I just found this website. That if you put in your battle ship game data, it will calculate where the next most likely spot to hit will be. This is going to be fun to mess with people


  21. Just ordered my first part of my costume for dragon steel 2024. Will show y’all when it gets here also I have found a really good comic book. Speciality @Edema Rue @Kajsa I think you guys would like it but I would recommend this to anyone. Its called Gotham Academy and it a fun comic that is set in Gotham but doesn’t focus on batman or superhero’s. Heres the cover and the inside cover of the Trade paper back version 




  22. Happy birthday, can’t wait to see more of grey

    1. SmilingPanda19



  23. I have only listen to the first nine. But out of those I think The Bellmaker in my favorite. Also if you want to enjoy them in a new way I would recommend getting at least one of them as an audio book. It has a full cast of people including Brian Jacques himself reading some of the roles
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