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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. So I know I just posted but man has today been tough. I slept till one because I simple didn’t have the will or the hope to get up. I finished my shield which is nice but I can’t stop seeing all the flaws in it, an din my self. I know none of us can be perfect but I still hold my self to that impossible standard. My roommate is about to move out and I am going to be all alone, and I don’t know if I can do it. I miss my family, I miss my home. I know I don’t actual know any of you but I need to get this out. I am two decades into this joke we call life and I am in one of the worst places of my life. One day I am jumping off the wall and laughing the next I can barely hold it together. My therapist is booked till December so that sucks. I am afraid about how I feel right now, and I am afraid tomorrow is going to be worst. 

    Thank you to everyone who has said kind things to me on this website, they do help. And thank you to everyone else who has been brave enough to open up here as well. It helps knowing that others are feeling like this. And it gave me the courage to write this out. Just getting this out there is helping

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Today has oscillated from absolutely horrible to semi okay today...

      I have hope, but life hurts so much right now

      And it's kind of hard to want to stay and to live it out.

      But I have hope.

      I don't know how to explain it better than that, but I have hope that it won't always be like this. That I won't always feel alone.

      *many many many hugs for everyone on this SU*

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Oh nooooo!!!! 

      *giant hugs*

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Aaaah, I’m so late…

      If I had words to make it better, I would. If I had the power to make it stop hurting, I would take it all away in an instant.

      But I don’t.

      I am here, though, to listen and care. It’s a hard and scary world, and that might never go away. But there are people who care, and, remember, it’s okay to be flawed. It’s okay to be human. It’s okay to not be able to do everything at once.

  2. I shall protect those who can not protect them selves



  3. It’s great to have you, just watch that video and subscribe, can’t wait to see more
  4. Airgid head flashes in pain, and he falls to the ground, not dead, just defenseless
  5. Airgid swig the pole of the scythe with all his might at Sharpies head
  6. 18 Airgid grabs the Scyth and then goes on top of Sharpie, trying to push the shaft of the scythe into his neck
  7. When you finish the Poppy War




    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue







      MY CHILD


    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Spoilers for the Poppy war book one


      Altan? I was talking about the stuff in the destroyed city. I know you said it was dark but rust and ruin Edema. That hole part made Attack on Titian look like a PBS kids show

      But I do love Altan, the book was so good

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I did try to warn you…


      Yeah, that part was…horrific. And the whole part about the city that was destroyed…um yeah. 

      It’s an amazing book, and Altan was such an amazing character…

      I’m so sad though, I only own the first book and no libraries near me have any of the series so I haven’t read the next one yet…

  8. Airgid runs at @Scars of Hathsin(sorry can’t find your character name) and slide through their legs, in a move that would have definitely get on him a red card in soccer
  9. So I didn’t get done with what I wanted to, so here is a photo of my completed spear and almost completed shield. I will post when my shield is fully done, and the Saturday before Dragonsteel I will do a full photo with clothing, wig, a face reveal, and a surprise 


    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Ahhhh that's so cool!!

      Hee hee I'm so excited for Dragonsteel...

    2. Silver Phantom
  10. I am almost done with my costume for dragonsteel. I will hopefully posting photos of parts of my costume tonight

  11. I didn’t this year. But congratulations, I hope you enjoy it
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