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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. Airgid runs at Sharpie then slides into there legs, in a move that defiantly would have gotten him a red card in soccer
  2. As a proud Swiftie I am pleased to announce my most recent purchase



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom


      I have been meaning to ask, were does your last name come from? I have never seen one like it.


    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      It's from the Wheel of Time!

    4. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      What Thaidakar said! It's from Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. https://wot.fandom.com/wiki/Aes_Sedai

      Kinda funny that you haven't seen anyone else with that name though, there are a ton of other Sedais on the Shard XD

  3. Starting the 3rd secret novel tonight



    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      Your hair looks very familiar...

    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      I was a hair extra for Tom Cruise 😉

  4. I know it has been covered already but I have look through the post and I can’t figure out how to get notified of status updates but not everything else a person post. Can anyone help
  5. Airgid goes for Sharpie, trying to get his scythe back @Justice_Magician
  6. Airgid get in close to Sharpie and spits blood into their eyes @Justice_Magician
  7. I am going to (in order) Monday:Stormlight RPG play test, Cosplay showcase, Welcome ceremony, mistborn vial demo, stormlight cosplay demo, general Sanderson cosplay meetup, Everything we know about dragons, MTG charity draft overflow Tuesday: World hopper meetup, Cosmere trivia, stormlight cosplay meetup, Hoid and seek, soulcaster demo, general Sanderson cosplay meetup, Shardblade tournament, Defiance release party And sorry to say but I don’t know how much stuff will be
  8. Airgid jumps back, still getting hit but managing to diminish some of the force
  9. Airgid gets up and backs away, also taking a second to breath
  10. Airgid fall to the side, head ringing, vision going fuzzy for a few second, he kick out blindly, hoping to connect
  11. Airgid kneels on top of sharpie, trying to pin the scythe to their body with his. He also pulls out his bag and starts trying to put it over their head
  12. Airgid head is slammed into the ground by the scythe. Feeling dazing he bites his tongue as hard as he can, rolls over and spits the blood into Sharpies eye.
  13. Airgid goes for sharpies legs, trying to wrap himself around them to make Sharpie fall again
  14. Airgid try’s to take advantage of Sharpie being on the ground but ends up messing up and falls next to Sharpie
  15. Ok, Airgid takes the hit just blow in the shoulder, he feels almost nothing but does here a pop, and goes for sharpie again, trying to kick them in the neck
  16. Airgid pushes harder and Sharpies neck with one hand and then tries to knuckle punch sharpie in the armpit
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