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Silver Phantom

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Status Replies posted by Silver Phantom

  1. I have hit two hundred reputation. In celebration here are my Luke warm takes.

    1. The best Batman Arkham game is Asylum
    2.  Boxed Craft Mac N Cheese is good and taste best once it has been in the fridge overnight then microwaved 
    3. Andrew Garfield is the best spider man
    4. Shallans and Adolin are both great characters in every stormlight books (didn’t know that there were people who disagreed with that until joining the shard)
    5. The second era of Mistborn is overall better but the first era has a better ending (and I love both dearly)
    6. The first Jurassic Park movie is the best and better then any of the Jurassic world movies
    7. Solo is a great star wars movie
    8. Batman should never have a relationship with Batgirl, it’s weird and needs to stop being written into comics.
    9. Chandler is the best character in friends
    10. Steve should have died at the end of this season of stranger things 

    If you disagree, please comment. I would generally love to have a discussion on any of these points 

  2. Spoiler

    Being straight but liking someone who’s gay is an interesting experience


    We cut down birdhouses to make more birdhouses


    You have fingertips but not toe tips, yet you can tip toe but not tip finger


    all thoughts are intrusive if u think them bcz don’t they like intrude your mind like aren’t they inside (courtesy of my friend)


  3. Isn't it kind of weird how no matter how much sleep you get, you can still end up tired? Lol that's me today. 

    I got a lot of writing done yesterday (a couple of pages, that's a huge step for my writer's block), and I'm really happy about that! Show choir rehearsal also went really well last night, except for the fact that the one time my director was watching me I was like a half beat behind and he called me out for it 0)_(0... but that's okay. We definitely have a lot to do before the season starts, but I'm excited! 

    ...mostly. I hate choreography days with a passion and we still have to learn our whole closer. Oh well.

    I've also picked up TWoK again recently and got a whole chapter read last night. 


    It's pretty good so far, and the whole bridge concept is extremely interesting to me. Also, Sylphrena is a fun character, and I like her a lot. Same with Shallan--she actually reminds me a lot of myself.

    How are you lovely people?

  4. I have hit two hundred reputation. In celebration here are my Luke warm takes.

    1. The best Batman Arkham game is Asylum
    2.  Boxed Craft Mac N Cheese is good and taste best once it has been in the fridge overnight then microwaved 
    3. Andrew Garfield is the best spider man
    4. Shallans and Adolin are both great characters in every stormlight books (didn’t know that there were people who disagreed with that until joining the shard)
    5. The second era of Mistborn is overall better but the first era has a better ending (and I love both dearly)
    6. The first Jurassic Park movie is the best and better then any of the Jurassic world movies
    7. Solo is a great star wars movie
    8. Batman should never have a relationship with Batgirl, it’s weird and needs to stop being written into comics.
    9. Chandler is the best character in friends
    10. Steve should have died at the end of this season of stranger things 

    If you disagree, please comment. I would generally love to have a discussion on any of these points 

  5. I have hit two hundred reputation. In celebration here are my Luke warm takes.

    1. The best Batman Arkham game is Asylum
    2.  Boxed Craft Mac N Cheese is good and taste best once it has been in the fridge overnight then microwaved 
    3. Andrew Garfield is the best spider man
    4. Shallans and Adolin are both great characters in every stormlight books (didn’t know that there were people who disagreed with that until joining the shard)
    5. The second era of Mistborn is overall better but the first era has a better ending (and I love both dearly)
    6. The first Jurassic Park movie is the best and better then any of the Jurassic world movies
    7. Solo is a great star wars movie
    8. Batman should never have a relationship with Batgirl, it’s weird and needs to stop being written into comics.
    9. Chandler is the best character in friends
    10. Steve should have died at the end of this season of stranger things 

    If you disagree, please comment. I would generally love to have a discussion on any of these points 

  6. Hello, world. I live!

    Some things that’ve happened in my life since we last spoke: Auditions and callbacks! I didn’t get a callback for Peter or for All Shook Up, which I kind of expected. I did get one for the Crucible, which was really exciting. It was for Mary Warren. All the cast lists came out yesterday, and blegh. I got the closest thing there is to an ensemble roll in Crucible, someone named Susanna Walcott, and I’m ensemble for All Shook Up. Which is fine. It’ll just be a long year.

    I also found out that I was 5 points away from qualifying for state, which was horribly annoying. 

    And I got my grades up, so…yay!! 




    *starts singing what’d I miss from Hamilton because there is no storming way I’m going to read all of those…sorry*



  7. Hello, world. I live!

    Some things that’ve happened in my life since we last spoke: Auditions and callbacks! I didn’t get a callback for Peter or for All Shook Up, which I kind of expected. I did get one for the Crucible, which was really exciting. It was for Mary Warren. All the cast lists came out yesterday, and blegh. I got the closest thing there is to an ensemble roll in Crucible, someone named Susanna Walcott, and I’m ensemble for All Shook Up. Which is fine. It’ll just be a long year.

    I also found out that I was 5 points away from qualifying for state, which was horribly annoying. 

    And I got my grades up, so…yay!! 




    *starts singing what’d I miss from Hamilton because there is no storming way I’m going to read all of those…sorry*



  8. Hair flips make you dizzy.

  9. Alright I promised y'all an update on the conference after I got home

    I had a BLAST! We got the ring of fire for the annular eclipse, which was so cool. Other than that, I just got to hang out with science people all weekend. It was really fun!

  10. I don't know how long it'll last, but I'm feeling okay. I don't know how long I'll feel this feeling of almost peace. I don't know so many things. I don't even know who I am. I don't know why fear seeps through everything I do and say and think.

    I do know that I have courage. I know I am brave. I am not immune to fear, but bravery allows me to bear my fears. It allows me to push through. 
    I do know what I am afraid of. It is the unknown. The unknown of who I am. The fear of what the lies are hiding. 

    Confronting who I am will be a long process, but I will become better because of it. If I know myself, I can become the best I can be. 

  11. I’m actually really happy.

    I just hit a high note for a song I’ve been attempting to sing for an audition in my acting class. (I’m an alto and I have a reaaaalllly low range)

    I also have homecoming tonight. I’m just stressed, tired, and extremely happy all at the same time.

  12. Alright fellow space/physics/STEM nerds, what do y'all think of the annular eclipse outfit?


    (Welding helmet > eclipse glasses)

    Will I wear the suit tomorrow? Maybe. Probably.

  13. Embellishments have started to be added!




  14. Friendly reminder to drop your shoulders, take a deep breath, eat some food/drink some water if it's been a while, go to the bathroom if you need, etc.

    Listen to your body, take care of your needs.

    Also if you're currently procrastinating something (like I am) you should probably do it okay love you bye.

  15. Just a concept I was think about:

    They never explained why Ursula truly wanted Ariel’s voice. I have a theory for it. (I haven’t done too much research so correct me if I’m off the rails)

    It’s assumed that Triton and Ursula are siblings, Ursula being the younger one. It is also believed that their parents are Poseidon and Amphitrite. It’s pretty obvious that Ursula was banished by Triton to the far ends of the seas. 
    When she was banished her mermaid tail could have been taken by her mother and replaced by her ugly looks. 
    Over several years it’s clear she has had many victims. Why would she do this to them and put them into jars though?

    I think it was becoming she gave them  impossible tasks to complete for something they wanted. In signing the contract she asked for something. It could be anything really. Not just a voice. 
    In that case, she would have been quite brilliant actually. She already got what she wanted, which was given on the signing of the contract, but she made it appear as if she wants you all together. 
    I believe Ariel could have been the last piece to a quite literal puzzle. She stole feet, legs, hair, eyes, ears, etc. from other people, the last thing to take was a voice. Then she could escape her captivity in her deep caverns. She would be able to escape to the land as a human and take over. She would have seen the ships the humans had built and could have assumed the people above were on the edge of ruling the sea and she could finally get what she wanted. 
    This could be off the walls, but I was just thinking I guess. 
    I think it would be cool to have a villain who took pieces of different people’s identities to build a new one for themself. 

  16. It's my shardiversary! Hooray! Hard to believe it's already been a year...also hard to believe it's only been a year...

    You're all amazing people, and I'm so glad that I get to be a part of this community, thanks for being so welcoming to a weird nerd.

    However, on that note, I'm going to be off the shard for a week...nothing bad, just that it's the end of term, and I have a lot to do. If any of you need me (for literally anything), you can email me at [email protected]

    And now, here's a list of what to do with all my rp characters...so sorry to just leave you guys. (I might be here a little more today to finish things up, but then I'll be gone)


    Xiylna - if that rp gets active, someone just kidnap her.

    Eddie - another magic coma, hooray!

    Wren - just assume he keeps following them

    Rue - ah...whatever works...probably a magic related accident would be best?

    Tal - he's gonna just go on break.

    Lasina - I haven't really been active in that rp, so...you can just pretend she stops existing, or she can get kidnapped...

    Siylna - hopefully I'll be back before the hunger games start, so...yeah.

    Okay that's all we need I think, so...yay!

    You're all incredible people. Don't forget it.

    <3 Rue

  17. Don't worry guys, I didn't forget.




  18. I’m super excited y’all. Threnodite Hunger Games sign ups go out tomorrow morning at 7 am EST. You have a week to sign up though, so don’t rush, but we’d love to have - lot of people if anyone is interested.

  19. I am trying to start drawing again and for my first drawing in around two months I am thrilled how it came out.

    JPEG image 30.jpeg

    How are you all doing on this lovely evening?

    In case you haven't heard already, everyone on the shard should be getting excited for the upcoming THRENODY HUNGER GAMES! 

    Sign ups will be posted THIS THURSDAY! Make sure you don't miss it, as there are limited spots!! You don't have to read the book to join! You don't really have to have any prior knowledge/experience to join! Everyone who has fallen the past few hunger games, I expect you to join! The sooner we can get your characters, the better, so I'd recommend starting to think about it now- 2 DAYS GUYS :D

    Are you ready for the excitement? The thrill? The laughs? The tears? The despair? :P


    We have tons of captivating plot for you all, along with gamemaker drama, gamemaker romance, and gamemaker murder. Limited spots!! Look out for a notification on Thursday!


  21. My childhood crushes but they get progressively more unhinged:
















  22. My childhood crushes but they get progressively more unhinged:
















  23. I’m trying to figure out if I want to get a profile photo. Any ideas?

  24. I’m trying to figure out if I want to get a profile photo. Any ideas?

  25. I'm curious.

    What's everyone dressing up as for Halloween?

    And if you're not dressing up, why not?

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