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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. Airgid goes for sharpies legs, trying to wrap himself around them to make Sharpie fall again
  2. Airgid try’s to take advantage of Sharpie being on the ground but ends up messing up and falls next to Sharpie
  3. Ok, Airgid takes the hit just blow in the shoulder, he feels almost nothing but does here a pop, and goes for sharpie again, trying to kick them in the neck
  4. Airgid pushes harder and Sharpies neck with one hand and then tries to knuckle punch sharpie in the armpit
  5. I need your guys help! This guy has had a hard life, but their is just doing his best. What should their name be?



  6. Just started the “Poppy War”. I am excited to see how this goes 

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      It has some very dark stuff in it, just a warning if that bothers you, and a lot of swearing, but the story is incredible.

  7. @Justice_Magician Airgid try’s to put a knee on Sharpies arm. He punches Sharpie in the throat and then starts trying to strangle him
  8. Airgid drops the scythe and allows Sharpie to grab him. Airgid then pushes of the ground, falling more the jumping on top of Sharpie
  9. Airgid try’s to brings down the butt of the scythe on Sharpie’s ankle
  10. Airgid ducks the stone then lunges with the butt of the scythe, trying to get it in between Sharpie’s legs, hoping to trip him
  11. Airgid sees the movement. He turns his scythe around and swings the shaft through the branches, trying to catch who ever it is
  12. Airgid gets to his feet. His head still ringing a bit. At the snapping of the swig he snaps his head toward the origins and sees the bushes moving. Reading his weapon he walks in that direction
  13. Airgid takes it in the side of the head and falls to one knee, stunned
  14. It takes Airgid in shoulder. He stumbles and then spins around, eyes searching, trying to judge where the stone came from. He looks, not at Sharpie, but about 3 yards to the left of them
  15. Airgid notices nothing yet, but he has his scythe in hand ready for anything
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