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Silver Phantom

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Status Replies posted by Silver Phantom

  1. So I wasn’t planing on posting today but then @The Sibling posted a sad song so now I am thinking of sad songs. And here is one of my favorite 

    “Call Your Mom” By Noah Kahan

  2. :realization:

    hol' up

    I have eight letters in my Iconar alphabet

    There are eight keys in an octave



    I can spell any character's name with the piano

  3. This song is stuck in my head and it's making me sad. Anyone want to be sad with me? Here you go.



  4. Currently preparing a research meeting for a conference this upcoming weekend.

    More importantly, currently physically restraining myself from reading the ebook of SP4 so that I may experience the book in all of its glory when it comes physically. 

    How's life for everyone else?

  5. I'm curious.

    What's everyone dressing up as for Halloween?

    And if you're not dressing up, why not?

  6. Trying to watch shardcast but why are my cousins cats so friendly6520c42112bad_Screenshot2023-10-06at10_32_22PM.thumb.png.719734dc150ea9e9a5f8fd76625114d8.png6520c43511f2d_Screenshot2023-10-06at10_32_34PM.thumb.png.e1514a21d09dacd053b93de57598764b.png6520c445ac6e0_Screenshot2023-10-06at10_32_45PM.thumb.png.046dd5180e27a7d064e278aeb762e83d.png6520c453ec944_Screenshot2023-10-06at10_32_49PM.thumb.png.48073c18a34af47d674c11254ac5ff98.png

  7. who wants to do a Creative Minecraft server

  8. “Beethoven would just… kick people, y’know?” 

    - My orchestra conductor

  9. Snow dots the rocky tips of the mountains like stars in the night sky. Below it, trees as bright as fire are thick and full; they are a warm blanket, a patchwork quilt of reds and yellows and oranges. Their colors seem even brighter sandwiched between the stormy gray sky above and the mud below. In the valley are dozens of houses, protected by the mountains that surround them on every side. In one such house, a pot of apple cider bubbles on the stove. It’s made from the extra juice of the dozens of homegrown apples that sit in bowls on the counter, slowly being transformed into applesauce. On another counter are buckets and baskets of vegetables, waiting to be cut, frozen, freeze-dried, bottled. Several midnight eggplants rest in a bed of shockingly green basil. Fennel seeds are placed into brown paper bags to dry. A basket is filled to the brim with hundreds of green beans, another with raspberries. There’s a box of tomatoes, a box of peaches, and more apples. Zucchini, yellow squash, melons, and cucumbers are also present. 

    A crash of thunder booms outside, followed by rain and lightning, but the house is warm and safe. A fireplace sits ready for logs. Mist slowly descends on the mountains, hiding the leaves from view. Eventually the mountains too disappear, leaving only the wet, green valley. Horses and cows graze peacefully in their pastures, sucking in the last days before snow falls and it grows too cold to stay outside. 

    Simply put, it is fall. 

  10. Shameless self promotion, go!


  11. saddest death in fiction


  12. Here is another mini, i am going to shade and highlight it tomorrow. Need another name

    JPEG image 28.jpeg

  13. Here is another mini, i am going to shade and highlight it tomorrow. Need another name

    JPEG image 28.jpeg

  14. Here is another mini, i am going to shade and highlight it tomorrow. Need another name

    JPEG image 28.jpeg

  15. Here is the first of today. I had several minis that needed finishing touches so I am trying to get those all done.

    I do need a name him. So if you could give me one that would be great.

    JPEG image 27.jpeg

  16. Inktober is here, I'm doing it this year!

    heh heh that rhymed.

    I'm doing the cosmere one, am currently working on a drawing of Nightblood.

  17. Here is the first of today. I had several minis that needed finishing touches so I am trying to get those all done.

    I do need a name him. So if you could give me one that would be great.

    JPEG image 27.jpeg

  18. Ok, today is painting day while I watch general conference. I’ll post some pictures in a minute 

  19. Ok, today is painting day while I watch general conference. I’ll post some pictures in a minute 

  20. Storms, romance is hard to write.

  21. Yall I know its late. And my brain isn't working. But what if we all changed out profile pictures to the same thing... how much chaos could we cause by doing that...... just a thought friends....

  22. Ok so I got a good amount to say. First is my costume is almost done. My sandals came and my spear is almost done. Second I somehow convinced my mother to read stormlight after years of trying and she is enjoying it. How I managed this was by showing her all the cool photos from last dragonsteel of all the cosplayers and since she likes making costumes she decided to go. Day one she will be going as Navani and day two as Veil. What is really funny about all of this is that she still say that Way of Kings is to big and that it drag alone. And I just found out that she doesn’t like either Shallan or Jasnah and that she will sometimes skip ahead a little bit to get through those section quicker. I am now conflicted. On one hand I love my mother so much for trying and really giving her all in an attempt to be apart of the community I am. She is even going to Sanderson 101 and the convention. But on the other I can’t ignore this grieves sin of skipping some of the book and not liking Jasnah or Shallan. I mean I kind of get it because we don’t see a lot of the real them in the first book and shallan grows so much in book two, but it still hurts. 

    So basically what I am asking is has anyone else gone through this and side question, is anyone else bringing family/friends to dragonsteel who are just not quite Sanderson fans yet?


  23. Hey, I was wondering if you want to talk about our characters for the hunger games rpg. I mean stuff like background and why/how we are an alliance. I was thinking we met at the opening ceremony’s and decided our skill would work well together.

    Also would you be open to more people joining our alliance. I don’t have anyone in mind but we could let people know that we are open.

  24. Hey, I was wondering if you want to talk about our characters for the hunger games rpg. I mean stuff like background and why/how we are an alliance. I was thinking we met at the opening ceremony’s and decided our skill would work well together.

    Also would you be open to more people joining our alliance. I don’t have anyone in mind but we could let people know that we are open.

  25. Ok so I got a good amount to say. First is my costume is almost done. My sandals came and my spear is almost done. Second I somehow convinced my mother to read stormlight after years of trying and she is enjoying it. How I managed this was by showing her all the cool photos from last dragonsteel of all the cosplayers and since she likes making costumes she decided to go. Day one she will be going as Navani and day two as Veil. What is really funny about all of this is that she still say that Way of Kings is to big and that it drag alone. And I just found out that she doesn’t like either Shallan or Jasnah and that she will sometimes skip ahead a little bit to get through those section quicker. I am now conflicted. On one hand I love my mother so much for trying and really giving her all in an attempt to be apart of the community I am. She is even going to Sanderson 101 and the convention. But on the other I can’t ignore this grieves sin of skipping some of the book and not liking Jasnah or Shallan. I mean I kind of get it because we don’t see a lot of the real them in the first book and shallan grows so much in book two, but it still hurts. 

    So basically what I am asking is has anyone else gone through this and side question, is anyone else bringing family/friends to dragonsteel who are just not quite Sanderson fans yet?


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