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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. Airgid is walking threw the forest to the North west shelter, hoping to find someone to kill in order to claim it
  2. For events that have 5000 tickest available, you can just show up. The only reason you can get tickets for these events is so you can have it on your schedule. Any event with less tickets then 5000 are limited seating and you need to get them in order to attend. I hope this helps let me know if you have any other question I am also a vip, what events are you planing on going to?
  3. Airgid breathed again when the shades finally calmed down. He sat down panting slightly. Leaning farther down he drinks from the rive. Looking around he sees… @Master if Magic @Wittles of Shinovar
  4. Airgid freezes, waiting and praying that their eye go back to normal. He holds his breath and…
  5. Airgid freezes, then slowly ready’s his synth, hoping that he won’t have to use it
  6. Airgid is walking back to the NW shelter when he runs into Arma
  7. Airgid heads south form the NW shelter to the river looking for his allies and looking out for enemy’s. He finds…
  8. Airgid head south looking for other contestants and hopefully his allies. He reaches the mushroom field finding… @Master if Magic @Wittles of Shinovar
  9. Airgid starts making his way to the NORTH WEST shelter, he also eats his carrot and keeps an eye out for other food, water, and most importantly his allies. And finds… @Lotus Blossom
  10. Airgid started hunting for someone to kill in order to claim the NE shelter
  11. Airgid claims the north eastern shelter (assuming no one else has)
  12. Airgid wakes up. He had a restless night. He gets up and moves the last distances to the North east shelter and see’s…
  13. I am heading to the north east one. And do I have to eat something?
  14. Airgid decides that this is not worth it and sneaks away to the east, heading to the other shelter
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