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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. Airgid looks in his bag, he got it at the center of the cornucopia. He finds….
  2. Airgid continue running but changes his course to head for the cornucopia instead. Trying to get to the shelter and hopefully more silver
  3. Blood, crap Airgid freeze. Curses, these grabs his scythe, his pack and runs towards the river as fast as he can
  4. Airgid grabs the knife itself (spilling you own blood is fine) and yanks it. Ignoring the little pain he could feel
  5. Holding the pack Airgid walks towards Arma “Shut up” he says to Arc. Leaning in he whispers to Arma so Arc can’t hear him (but arc can just make it out). “Pull the knife back in 10 seconds”
  6. Still kind of dazed from the punch Airgid says “I have an alliance. There pre set, every one else is an enemy” He gets up and grabs the pack
  7. Airgid falls, dropping the scyth in the process. “Get the pack, put it over their head” he says as he starts trying to grapple Arc
  8. Airgid grabs his scyth and try’s to sweep the legs of Arc with the shaft
  9. Airgid rolls with arc managing to stay close as the hit the ground. He starts pushing the pack over their head. “Arma. Get a stick something heavy. @Wittles of Shinovar
  10. “Nope” Airgid quickly grabs his pack, dumps out the unknown contents and lunges to put it over Arc’s head
  11. Airgid sees Arma walking past his thorn bush “psst, Arma”
  12. Airgid stays as motionless as possible in under the thorn bush he is hiding under. He doesn’t even feel the pain. His scythe is laying next to him along with the pack from the center of the cornucopia. He opens it up and find
  13. Airgid reaches the cornucopia, he grabs the synth and a promising looking pack. He starts moving north waving his allies towards him, Arma and Avalon.
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