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Silver Phantom

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Status Replies posted by Silver Phantom

  1. If you haven't seen Scott Pilgrim vs The World yet




    get on that

  2. If you haven't seen Scott Pilgrim vs The World yet




    get on that

  3. I’m thinking about starting a book review blog…? Not quite sure how to go about it, though.

  4. Petri approves




  5. Re: Star Wars RP

    I want to make my idea for this clear, to start. You're certainly open to playing a good ol' blaster-wielding bounty hunter, but I've always always always wanted a Star Wars story that focuses on a highly-idealized version of the Jedi and the Sith, where the Force is brought to its fullest potential in every aspect of its execution.

    Basically, we would be going for beyond the canon of the movies and shows. It would be turned into a magic system on-par with Nen (if you know what I'm talking about). The way I think we'd execute it would be as me playing a Jedi Master and the lot of you acting as something akin to unofficial padawans, because the way I'm visualizing these fight scenes would make them... difficult.

    But anyways. Anyone interested? Again, I know it's kinda bad timing what with Great Houses just starting and all, but... well, knowing how my RPs tend to go, it probably wouldn't last very long anyway. Worst-case scenario we only get a few people for a few weeks and have some fun before it eventually fizzles out.

  6. Wisdom teeth pain is manageable...but definitely still painful.


  7. If you’re ever caught kidnapping, remember that you can always plead guilty to a lighter sentence instead for minor in possession

  8. My dad is reading Way of Kings right in front of me, and he just looked up and said "Alright Kaladin, pull yourself together. Stop whining." 

    That hurt.

  9. AUDITIONS WENT WELL!!! I got Sarabi and my brother got scar!!! Now I have rehearsals everyday for a week and my show on friday... 

  10. Caterpillar.

    Cat. Er. Pillar.


    Pillar is simple: they are pillar-shaped. They are long, colorful, squishy pillars. 

    Er is also simple: they started to call it a cat, and changed their minds. “It’s a cat-er…a pillar”

    Cat is less simple. Perhaps they saw a fuzzy variety of caterpillar? But perhaps not. Perhaps they only needed an animal, something to show that the pillars live.

    But if that were the case, any animal could stand in: a rhinoceroserpillar. A dogerpillar. A horserpillar. And that just isn’t right. So why a cat?


    Cater. Pillar.

    …no. Absolutely not.

    Cat. Er. Pillar.

    The most likely reason, I think, is a little known synonym for cat. In any scenario where you say cat, you could also say “small demon”.

    in which case, we have a small demon pillar. That makes sense! They are small demons that take the form of a pillar. But “smalldemonerpillar” is a terrible name.

    And so we have the caterpillar.

    Cat. Er. Pillar.


  11. Caterpillar.

    Cat. Er. Pillar.


    Pillar is simple: they are pillar-shaped. They are long, colorful, squishy pillars. 

    Er is also simple: they started to call it a cat, and changed their minds. “It’s a cat-er…a pillar”

    Cat is less simple. Perhaps they saw a fuzzy variety of caterpillar? But perhaps not. Perhaps they only needed an animal, something to show that the pillars live.

    But if that were the case, any animal could stand in: a rhinoceroserpillar. A dogerpillar. A horserpillar. And that just isn’t right. So why a cat?


    Cater. Pillar.

    …no. Absolutely not.

    Cat. Er. Pillar.

    The most likely reason, I think, is a little known synonym for cat. In any scenario where you say cat, you could also say “small demon”.

    in which case, we have a small demon pillar. That makes sense! They are small demons that take the form of a pillar. But “smalldemonerpillar” is a terrible name.

    And so we have the caterpillar.

    Cat. Er. Pillar.





  13. “7” by Prince is basically just Scott Pilgrim the song change my mind

  14. Demon Slayer Season 3 could've been better, but I'll not hear a single word against its absolute  b a n g e r  of an OP

  15. I could use a pick-me-up.

    What's something good happening in your life right now? Or something good that already happened in your life? Or just something you're grateful for?

    And if you're in the same boat as me, feel free to commiserate a bit.

    I guess I'll still say something good...I've been having a hard time getting into books lately (which sucks, since reading has been such a huge part of my personality since...forever), but I did just finish my reread of Mistborn Era 1!! And of course it was amazing.

  16. Does anyone else ever have the sudden urge to gather together the lego minifigures for all the Fellowship of the Ring and leave them lying around the city along with a note saying that they're going on an adventure and to move them someplace else and take a picture to add to a dropbox somewhere and see how far it gets or are you all normal.

  17. I’ve done it, I’ve finished the first draft of my first novel. I still have a ton of work to do, but it feels good.


    Good night.


    (Also I have been using video guides for all of these, if anyone wants them let me know and I will post the link)

    JPEG image 15.jpeg


    (Also I have been using video guides for all of these, if anyone wants them let me know and I will post the link)

    JPEG image 15.jpeg

  20. Learning to draw day 2


    JPEG image 12.jpeg

  21. Learning to draw day 2


    JPEG image 12.jpeg

  22. Guys, drop everything!! I just learned that there is a animal called the Japanese flying dwarf squirrel and we need to talk about it

    JPEG image 10.jpeg

  23. Alrighty. No one literally reads this so I may move this to the 'Creator Corner'. I mainly do this to conquer my crippling fear of failure, because I know that this is badly made. Hopefully someone reads this - but lets be honest - no one does. 

     I have tentatively named it "Two sides to the same coin" Based off of the fact that Aerie and Recapture are both enemies and together. But only one can prevail...

    I also want to start posting more about the king's folly - a silly little world where gods and demons meet. There may be a release of the CYOA link for this world but no garuntees.


    Aerie had a loose grip on the city. He knew that if he left himself vulnerable, Recapture would get him. It made sense. The best traitor is your closest friend. 

     They would consider eachother friends. Not actual, precalamity friends, but like bisuness friends. A fake friendship. Only an allyship.

    Aerie needed to kill vanillas. Too many were running off. Way too many. 

    Aerie needed to trap them first. 

    He needed Lucidity. 

    Lucidity was a grown man that acted much like a child. Aerie would've assumed he was a child if not for his unrestly demenor. The man, an epic, could create objects out of light. 

    He couldn't create or destroy organic matter with his creations, so he was no threat to Aerie's imminent rule.

    But ultimately, it was Insolence who held the control.

    He had an iron fist over his area, and incidents involving cataclysm - his new high epic masochist friend - and the vanillas of Aerie's territory.

    He would be dealt with. 

    Recapture would deal with him. Aerie had written out false plans - ones that made sense, but were too impractical to use - for Recapture to find. The one Aerie knew that Recapture would find stated that they were gioing to deal with him soon.

    And they were.

    Aerie called Lucidity. 

    "Hello. This is Aerie speaking."

    "Do you want me to go to you?"

    "Yes. And come here quickly."

    "Uh... Why?"

    Aerie muttered a curse. He hated the childish side of Lucidity.

     "Never you mind why! I need you here right now."

    "Ain't no coming till you tell me why!" The singing nearly made Aerie smash the mobile in rage.

    He needed a believable reason, fast. He was going to get suspiscious at any moment...

    "Uh. We are going to kill Insolence."

    That wasn't part of the plan at all. But it could be sav-

    "Do ya want me to tell Recapture cuz, you know, more is better and all that?"

     "Okay sure." Aerie responded.

    "Kay, cause he wants to, you know, join." 

    The inside of Aerie was screaming in rage. But he had to maintain his outward calm. 

    "Okay. That would be great." Aerie was fuming on the inside.

     "Oikie Doikie! be there soon!"

    This was not part of the plan.

    Not part of the plan at all. 

    And it would be Aerie's job to salvage the very little that remained of his plan.

    Hopefully, if anything remained.

  24. Alrighty. No one literally reads this so I may move this to the 'Creator Corner'. I mainly do this to conquer my crippling fear of failure, because I know that this is badly made. Hopefully someone reads this - but lets be honest - no one does. 

     I have tentatively named it "Two sides to the same coin" Based off of the fact that Aerie and Recapture are both enemies and together. But only one can prevail...

    I also want to start posting more about the king's folly - a silly little world where gods and demons meet. There may be a release of the CYOA link for this world but no garuntees.


    Aerie had a loose grip on the city. He knew that if he left himself vulnerable, Recapture would get him. It made sense. The best traitor is your closest friend. 

     They would consider eachother friends. Not actual, precalamity friends, but like bisuness friends. A fake friendship. Only an allyship.

    Aerie needed to kill vanillas. Too many were running off. Way too many. 

    Aerie needed to trap them first. 

    He needed Lucidity. 

    Lucidity was a grown man that acted much like a child. Aerie would've assumed he was a child if not for his unrestly demenor. The man, an epic, could create objects out of light. 

    He couldn't create or destroy organic matter with his creations, so he was no threat to Aerie's imminent rule.

    But ultimately, it was Insolence who held the control.

    He had an iron fist over his area, and incidents involving cataclysm - his new high epic masochist friend - and the vanillas of Aerie's territory.

    He would be dealt with. 

    Recapture would deal with him. Aerie had written out false plans - ones that made sense, but were too impractical to use - for Recapture to find. The one Aerie knew that Recapture would find stated that they were gioing to deal with him soon.

    And they were.

    Aerie called Lucidity. 

    "Hello. This is Aerie speaking."

    "Do you want me to go to you?"

    "Yes. And come here quickly."

    "Uh... Why?"

    Aerie muttered a curse. He hated the childish side of Lucidity.

     "Never you mind why! I need you here right now."

    "Ain't no coming till you tell me why!" The singing nearly made Aerie smash the mobile in rage.

    He needed a believable reason, fast. He was going to get suspiscious at any moment...

    "Uh. We are going to kill Insolence."

    That wasn't part of the plan at all. But it could be sav-

    "Do ya want me to tell Recapture cuz, you know, more is better and all that?"

     "Okay sure." Aerie responded.

    "Kay, cause he wants to, you know, join." 

    The inside of Aerie was screaming in rage. But he had to maintain his outward calm. 

    "Okay. That would be great." Aerie was fuming on the inside.

     "Oikie Doikie! be there soon!"

    This was not part of the plan.

    Not part of the plan at all. 

    And it would be Aerie's job to salvage the very little that remained of his plan.

    Hopefully, if anything remained.

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